Here’s how my body does 100 burpees a day every day

Of men’s health

David Whetton (40) from New South Wales, Australia, has been exporting a minimum of 100 burpees for a whole year. He shares with Men’s health how this physical challenge changed his body and his outlook.

When Covid completely stopped my business, I suddenly came home with more time in my hands. I had a real need to have something to ‘anchor’ my day in the swirling waters that Covid became for small business owners.

I’ve always been fit and active – rugby league and rugby union, running, weights, tennis – but these stores were now largely closed, and I had no idea when they would reopen. I spoke to a fellow and leading Sydney boat camp operator, Patrick ‘Sarge’ Ritchie, who has dedicated his professional life to guiding others on their fitness journeys. He suggested a movement that was whole body in nature.

So I searched online for a fitness challenge that I could do during the quarantine inside my home. I came across a personal trainer from Pittsburgh named Chase Barron who recorded his own challenge of 100 burpees a day for 30 days. He spoke with so much clarity and insight on how his mindset should adapt to the pre-, post- and post-aspect of daily burpees, and he really inspired me.

I can certainly understand why the burpee is hated in CrossFit circles; no day gets easier with burpees! It is a constant, rolling motion that is accurate in breathing, hand and foot placement, with no interruption, no procrastination, no breathing. On top of that, the burpee hits every part of your body if you do it right, from your toes to your neck.

But especially doing burpees is a mental game. Your attitude begins to change from ‘Should I do it?’ to “How much can I print from this?” and you wake up with burpees on your mind and hit the pillow with a great sense of accomplishment, no matter what else the day might not go your way, at least you gave your body and mind the respect of a daily exercise it is to the benefit of you, and therefore to the benefit of your loved ones, friends and colleagues because you have presented the optimized version of yourself.

Because actually it’s not about the burpees. They are just a vehicle to find what drives you. It’s about withdrawing a fraction of your day to make your life – and your interaction with those around you – better. It initially seems like a selfish act to roll out the mat to break out another 200 burpees, but it’s a quick way to give your best to those around you who depend on you.

My motivation over the past year has come from within. It was never ‘the biggest man at the bar’. I am a smaller frame and am aware of my genetic and physical limitations. Instead, I was determined to create a daily habit of mind and body that required preparation, endurance, and passion. At age 40, I crystallized that these are my core skills, so why not use them? For me, burpees was the answer. I recorded every day in the top corner of a paper calendar, which held me accountable to myself.

I went from a small potty to a six-pack by about the ninth month. My back muscles really developed, and my shoulders got wider. My biceps and triceps lengthen and become very defined. My pecs and chest widen, and shirts fit me much better now. My waist is slender and generally my legs have stiffened, especially my calves due to the constant bending and pushing movement required to pull in and jump. But by far the greatest development was spiritual. Resilience, daily dedication and the ability to drop 200 burpees was far more rewarding than the physical gains, just as welcome as it was!

Photo credit: Men's Health

Photo credit: Men’s Health

The only time I had an injury was when I was overloaded with other bodyweight exercises, like chinups. They hurt my forearms and forced me to focus more closely on the best practices of burps. I was also completing 100 daily kettlebell or dumbbell squats per day for the same period as it gives me the extra leg strength to complete the high jump component of the burpee effectively; it is the element of movement that really drives the cardio aspect while fighting gravity, as well as the cumulative fatigue that comes with completing so many burpee reps every day.

I started the challenge on 2 April 20202, just when my territory in Australia was closed for the first time. I started with 100 consecutive burpees a day and then added 10 more teams every month; 110 per day in May, 120 in June, and so on. This week I completed a full year of burpees with 220 teams. Over the course of 365 days, I completed a total of 55,000 complete push-ups, folds, jumps and repetition burps.

Along the way, I kept in close contact with Chase and made contact with like-minded burpee enthusiasts around the world on Instagram, such as @charlieburpee and @theburpeeguy, who have become close friends across the sea and still inspire me and hopefully, vice versa.

I still go, and I always will. Daily burpees have now become just as integral a part of my life as the other fundamentals; family connections, good diet, rewarding work, fresh air and restful sleep. When I complete these first 365 days, I start at 100 again and add 10 again each month, only this time I will keep two 5.5 pound dumbbells and complete 55,000 weighted burps in curls in the shoulder press, and another 365 consecutive days.

The general reaction when I started this journey a year ago was, ‘Why? Burpees sucks! ‘And it’s because they do it … if you beat them every now and then, or if they’re offered as a kind of exercise torture in the gym. But this is perception above reality. Burpees are a very effective movement of the whole body and if performed regularly and with the right mindset, it can even be enjoyable (well, almost)!

Sure, people started noticing the physical difference in my body after a few months, but they especially noticed how much more positive my interactions were, how my focus sharpened, how I was more committed to completing tasks or tasks. I think this is the real benefit of the burpee for me, just setting my values ​​to a more positive attitude, appreciating each day for its highs and lows and showing gratitude and benevolence in my interactions with others.

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