Here is every website you can use to discuss a vaccination in California

Have you discovered an excellent source to find vaccine appointments? Send an email to [email protected].

California will be eligible for vaccines for individuals 16 years and older on Thursday, and a rush of millions of residents will jump online to find vaccination appointments.

There are probably not enough appointments available for those who want a chance, and public health officials are asking people to be patient. Although you do not have to wait until the fall for your vaccine, it does take you days, weeks, even a month or two to make an appointment.

To put it in perspective: there are approximately 18.7 million Californians between the ages of 16 and 49, and although some of the people have probably already been vaccinated because they are health workers or have fallen into another category that they were previously eligible for took, there were still millions and millions of people who could be vaccinated for the first time. Meanwhile, the state expects to receive only about 2 million doses from the federal government this week. Next week, the state will receive 1.9 million doses from the federal government. This number does not include doses that the federal government distributes directly to pharmacies and other agencies, which make up approximately 30% of the available doses in California.

It is also important to know that vaccine appointment sites are usually less up-to-date. In other words, you can jump to a pharmacy website looking for a slot and find that it tells you that only 50 and older may be vaccinated. Don’t panic: it can take a few entities days to update with the latest guidelines.

The MyTurn website is the central hub of the state for finding vaccine appointments, but it offers appointments on a limited number of sites, and you may need to use multiple sites if you want the best chance of getting an appointment in the coming weeks. to get.

Here is an overview of other places to look for online appointments.

Vaccination Search Sites, Twitter Accounts and More

A variety of websites, Twitter accounts and other social media businesses have emerged as a one-stop source coming from different institutions to help people find vaccinations for vaccines. Except for VaccineFinder, which is run by the government, these are all third-party websites.

Bay Area Vaccine Hunters Facebook Page: This group, which you can join on request, is a hub for sharing vaccine information and availability of appointments in the Bay.

California Vaccine Bot: The Twitter bot @CovidVaccineCA reports when new appointments are available via MyTurn.

CVS & Rite Aid Vaccine Finder CA: The Twitter bot @VaccineCA specifically looking for appointments at CVS and Rite Aid pharmacies in California.

Inenting CA ( This site is run by a group of volunteers who link hospitals and pharmacies for vaccine availability and post online what they are learning.

VaccineFinder ( This site works with partners such as clinics, pharmacies and health departments to provide accurate and up-to-date information on vaccination services. It is run by Boston Children’s Hospital and is supported by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the U.S. Digital Service.

California COVID-19 Vaccine Spotter ( This tool locates appointments at pharmacies in California.

VaxxMax ( On this site you will find vaccinations at CVS, Health Mart, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Walmart across the country.

Healthcare providers

You do not have to be a member to book appointments through healthcare providers, but you may need to register with their service.

Permanent Kaiser: Find information on admission to the vaccine and book an appointment here.

Sutter Health: Find information on admission to vaccines and book an appointment here.

Pharmacies and drug stores

Many pharmacies offer vaccines; you can go directly to their sites to search for appointments. All of the pharmacies listed are part of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program and you can learn more about this on the California Department of Public Health website.


Costco: (membership not required)



Health market:

Rite Aid:




County Websites

You can contact your provincial health department for information on vaccination at community clinics. While the state’s MyTurn website captures many provincial sites, it does not contain appointments at all. Some provinces also have vaccination clinics that are not required.


Contra Costa: vaccinated



San Francisco:

San Mateo:

Santa Clara:



Do you have a question you want to answer about vaccination in the Bay? Send an email to [email protected].
