Here are the states where pregnant women can get the Covid vaccine now

All pregnant women are at greater risk for complications if they are exposed to the coronavirus and should be vaccinated as soon as they are eligible, regardless of how far pregnant they are or if they are breastfeeding, Hughes said.

The CDC recommends that all states include pregnant women in phase 1C of vaccinations; not all states follow the guidelines, and some may require pregnant women to have doctor’s letters or verify their pregnancies before getting a vaccine.

Many states recommend, some on their websites, that those who are eligible for high-risk health conditions, such as pregnancy, consult with their physicians before planning their vaccinations.

In New Mexico, those seeking vaccinations may be asked to verify any health conditions, including pregnancy, before getting shots. In New York, you must have proof of your current suitability, which can be a doctor’s letter, medical information with evidence of the underlying condition, or a signed certification. Florida needs a doctor’s note, and those in Washington, DC, must provide proof that they meet the requirements.

Kanwal Syed, JaJuan Morris-Guity and Bentley Maddox contributed.
