Here are some of the picks: Nasry, Xiomara and Yani are looking forward to their contestants


El Election of Consejo Nacional (CNE) shared the ballot paper with the official results of the elective presidential level, in which the results follow with the same tendency to date from the primary elections in Honduras.

In the case of Liberty and Refund (Free), Xiomara Castro total 190 276 votes, Wilfredo Méndez 11 192 votes, Carlos Eduardo Reina with 11,191 votes and Nelson Ávila against 27,100 votes.

In the part of the solitaire star, Nasri Asfura with 410,146 votes and Mauricio Oliva with 151,193 votes.

In the Liberal Party, Yani Rosenthal sigue liderando with 182,089 votes, Luis Zelaya teen 113 896 y Dario Banegas with 55,025.

47,125 acts were scanned, out of 71,640, which equates to 66% of the total acts of the three popular electoral levels. 1,192 acts deben someterse a public verification to present inconsistencies, inconsistencies and indications of a possible electoral fraud, exposing the CNE.

Y 983 acts deben someterse a public verification to find in blank.

In view of the distribution of results, the Honduran public will have access to the directory to review the results at the three levels, including the consultation of the images Proceedings of each month elections, number and how to recover, affirm the CNE.

In addition, the process involved 70 international observers and 3,000 nationals from different civil society organizations and human rights groups.

Until the registration is registered 29 impugnaciones: 4 of the Liberal Party, 18 of the National Party and 7 of the Liberal Party, the issues are in process. Agreed al CNE, each of the deeds and cadres of voting will be revised one by one with the end of hacer prevalecer popular lawillad.

In case there is more impugnaciones the parties have until March 26 for presenters in the installations of CNE.

El CNE, that when the elections were held on the 14th of March, it was promised that every hour a ballot would be issued at the presidential level, if it had failed, then every ballot had been issued every day at night.
