Here are Apex Legends’ Fight Night notes

Apex Legends’ upcoming Fight Night event brings a slew of new additions, including some balancing adjustments and quality of life in various elements in the game.

The Hemlok, Mastiff and the Prowler will go under the knife when the patch falls next week, as well as Caustic and Rampart. Here are the upcoming changes.

Weapon Balance

The new patch brings adaptations to three weapons and two legends. The adjustments are not dramatic, but mostly they are welcome changes to balance issues.

The damage from the Hemlok will decrease from 22 to 20, a noticeable reduction that can help make the burst gun less oppressive. The weapon has been a force to be reckoned with for the past two seasons after a series of balancing adjustments made it extremely deadly.

The Mastiff will also change a bit. The shotgun will spread more on the third and fourth barrel to reduce the maximum range of four-barrel shots and force players to use it at even closer distances. This may make the weapon inconsistent, but it may not have an impact on the point.

The Prowler will get no changes to the fundamental mechanics, but players will have more ammunition for the SMG. A stock Prowler will come with 210 spare bullets instead of 175, a change that will reduce the scarcity of ammunition after the SMG transferred to the care package.

Legendary balance

In addition to the weapon changes, two legends will see adaptations in their kits: Caustic and Rampart. According to Respawn, the two legends need extra firepower – despite the changes to Caustic in the last spots.

The cooling of the Toxic Trapper will drop from 25 to 20 seconds, making it easier to strengthen an area. Rampart will undergo a similar change: her Amped Walls will now take 20 seconds to charge instead of 30.

The upcoming change to Caustic ‘is an extra bit of compensation for the loss of visibility blurred by gas in season 7,’ according to Respawn, but the Toxic Trapper can still see more adjustments. “The season 7 change was a good buff for Caustic, but he’s not quite where we want him to be,” said Respawn.

Quality of life changes

However, the upcoming patch will bring more than just balancing adjustments. Some valuable life changes are expected to come Apex next week too.

Players will be able to use Ultimate Accelerants without opening the inventory. By pressing the ultimate button while the capability is not charging, the legend will cause an accelerator to appear automatically. This solution is a more convenient way to access the inventory in the middle of a firefight, but without clogging the Article Select wheel with another item.

The patch will also bring with it a series of small quality-of-life changes, including the “Mark As Seen” button – a feature that has long been in demand. Party members leaving a foyer in the main menu will also set the rest of the group to ‘not ready’, to prevent matches from starting accidentally.

The official website lists a series of life adjustments and bug fixes that will also come with the Fight Night patch, which will drop on January 5 at 10pm CT.
