Henry Martín celebrates ante Chivas in the style of Cuauhtémoc Blanco

The delirium of the Aguias festejó his tant replicating the celebrations that solia make the idol of the capital squad

The delantero del America, Henry Martin, abrió el marcador en el Clásico Nacional and in his celebration made a homage to one of the deportivos rival mayors of Guadalajara, it’s the party that holds the position that the team’s excelter has, Cuauhtémoc Blanco.

Henry venció el markat tapatío luego de un tiro libre cobrado por Richard Sánchez, the mexican selection quedo sin marka and impact of cabeza la pelata para ‘bombear’ al arker Raúl Gudiño.

‘La Bomba’ runs at a campground, hinco and hizo the traditional celebration of Cuauhtémoc.

In the second part, Martin mark his second so much at night with another rematch of cabeza and now the celebrant with his bank mates, simulating putting with the zapatos a pair of banderillas to the use of the corridors of towers.

The delantero of the las Eagles is converted to the top scorer of his team in the present Guard1anes 2021 al llegar a siete dianas.

Henry has summed up four annotations in the same appearances that it held in the Clásico Nacional.
