Help for Jorge Losada

Actor Jorge Losada requires drugs that are not needed. (Luis Lacosta Facebook).

Cuban artists are launching a social media campaign to help actor Jorge Losada get medicine.

In agreement with the publication, Losada has recently undergone surgery and has suffered from severe anemia, but the medicines are not available in any pharmacy.

Although the actor was 86 years old well after the operation and according to his acquaintances, he had a good diet, suffering from anemia that could lead to complications during his recovery.

“It appears that its organism has some problems and it is mandated to take Inferno and Trofin in another medicine,” the publication indicates.

The padding includes the ability to harden his recovery, then he can slow down the coagulation and scarring, which in the internal organs of his body is more than just the skin.

The publication was accompanied by a photograph in which he appreciated the actor supported by his spirit, friend and sharing with other artists.

The querido-actor Jorge Losada, very well from the operation, is facing problems, if he ha …

Published by Luis Lacosta on Saturday, February 6, 2021

In the comments, we will use the recovery recovery and the alternative remedies to compensate for the lack of pharmacies as basic as the iron.

Some also offer help with countermeasures, recommendations on what specific pharmaceuticals and including the products are available.

Jorge Losada has contracted an extended career of more than 60 years in radio, cinema, theater and television.

In the chic panties, there are productions like “Los papalotero”, the popular telenovela “Las huérfanas de la Obrapía” and the policy “Día y noche”; but also acted in important films like “Alicia in the People of Maravillas” or “The Corner of Abundance”.

Medical drugs in Cuba

The drug store in Cuba is one of the main problems of the Isla, which maintains pharmacies and hospitals with all types of pharmacies, including the most essential such as antibiotics and analgesics.

Otros famosos también han recurrido a las redes social para to find the medicines that necesitan, pues tener el dinar par comprarlas no es guarantee poder hacerlo al no haber en existence en ocasiones ni siquiera en el merado market.

It’s the case of comedian Ulises Toirac, who at one point was using Facebook to solicit salbutamol, the drug that was used for asthma and that was reported at the time to be more than six months away from pharmacies.

También la sobreviviente del avinion de avión de La Habana, Mailén Díaz, intention conseggir medicas a travails de la red social, aunque fue atacada por ciberclarias que la llamaron “malagradecida” por “desprestigiar” el gratuit de salud de Cuba.
