One of the main themes of mayoral interest and concern in the organizations, derived from the current crisis of COVID-19, is the salute and well-being of the collaborators. Undoubtedly, companies are concentrating their efforts on adopting means that will permanently maintain the continuity of the business at the same time to ensure security for its employees.
And before this panorama, surge the question of ¿en donde we find the women in this panorama and in these strategies? It is well known that the role of the Mayor of Nosotras he changed in the last years and, with the commitment of COVID-19, has done great work on the labor and familiar theme.
Many have seen the need to work from home and tend to combine the areas of hogar and the responsibility of schooling them, together with the work part, which has had great impact.
Dates of the “Regional Investigation 2020: How to Transform Labor and Familiarity?”, Developed by the IAE Business School, signaled that there was a large area of opportunity in terms of distribution and equalization of domestic work, given that tareas del hogar aún son realized exclusively by women.
In this sense, it appears that our homes have been resigned and it has been accepted that some have assumed the mental load and approved our time in our daily work to coordinate all the areas. It is our duty to assume that we have all this responsibility.
And it’s a shame that we’re begging to diminish the gender gap, in our jobs, in the bars, including in the case, in which we dedicate a mayor’s number of hours al trabajo geen remunerado ; each woman and each person has distinct realities, but there are things that are all living by ego: the Islam and states of kwesbaar.
In this way, the physical and mental well-being of the collaborators is important in the sustainability and productivity of the corporations. Undoubtedly, a healthy colleague is the most productive, is more focused on the areas, logistics and mayor profitability of the company.
Without embarrassment, we must find a balance in our role as a woman and a professional, both physically, mentally, socially and economically. The first thing to do is to think about it in our own names.
For example, one of the first areas where we can differentiate, and what we do not need more, is to look for our financial wealth. We need to make sure we know where we are, the knowledge and skills needed to make sound financial decisions, as well as the actions to take on our goals.
Some organizations organize to carry out an analysis of what can be done to help the women to log this financial income, for example, with financial plans focused on them. It can also generate benefits that allow it to track its strategy of reversal or inversion, as well as the fund of the clock or the box office.
Source: Expansion Women