Hello and welcome, the future of the pharmaceutical industry – Spanish version

The health and well-being depend on the proportion of the quality of life of the persons and are part of the sustainable development of each of the countries; for this, it is one of the great objectives of the development of the millennium planted by the United Nations (UNU). Without embarrassment, it’s an agenda for 2030 and reflects great retas for the industries that are implicated in it.

Therefore, in order to positively impact the life of the people, it is necessary to know aspects that directly affect the health. According to a report by the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), the main causes of decadence in Latin America should be four-legged transmissions, such as:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Cancer
  • Sick Respirators
  • Diabetes

Its alarming statistics show that more than 180 million people have arterial hypertension and more than 49 million people in Latin America, according to the OPS and the World Health Organization (WHO). On the other hand, it is indicated that the most common types of cancer are the pulmonary, rectal, male and female prostate.

With this precedent, promote and focus its efforts on health and well-being, it has transformed itself into one of the principal branches of Luminova Pharma Group, in the 12 countries in which it is present, in order to achieve a sustainable development in the pharmaceutical industry and to ensure the distribution and commercialization of treatments for all patients in need with health affections.

“At Luminova Pharma Group, we have seen the need to increase the quality of life of the people providing integral solutions for the detection, attention and treatment opportunity, taking into account that the OPS the 30 most infectious diseases among them has a 60% Latino-American mortality rate, ”said Herberth Stackmann, CEO of Luminova Pharma Group.

Viewing these statistics and the need to read more than 18 million Latin American patients for solutions that impact their health, Luminova Pharma Group has developed an integral portfolio with over 70 drugs that allow treatment of central nervous system disorders, central nervous system therapy and oncology, among others. In addition to being constantly under investigation so that in a future court case one can offer more than 150 therapeutic alternatives. For this, the incorporation of its three medical cases as UNINOVA offers solutions for chronic diseases; UNIPHARM provides perfused medications or short-term period therapies and a NOVUM generic portfolio with high-quality all-purpose standards.

“Analyzing all these statistics, we must show that there is a great deal of consternation that changes depths in the behavior and habits of the people in order to increase their quality of life and that there are companies with our impact on the transversal manner. part of the prevention and treatment that also has implied years of research and technology, ”said Susana Guevara, Director of Luminova Pharma Group.

Source. Central American and Caribbean Digital Periodicals
