“Hell could be killed and cause great destruction”: juez Lina Hidalgo | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

HOUSTON, Texas. – Houston Area Authorities advise that helada predicted for the closest days podría traer consequences tan devastadoras comparadas a las de un huracán categorie 5 for the Houston area.

“Our infrastructure specifically specifies the features we have not built to sustain this type of climate, only is prepared for hurricanes, but is not designed to be able to conduct when temperatures are recorded, or hluva helada sober las carreteras, dijo la juez del condado Harris, Lina Hidalgo duran una prensa de princesa paranunar las actions a segu for the the time it gets.

Hidalgo commented that if there was a lot of light rain, it would be possible to do some work and the electrical wiring affecting the electricity service in the condo where there is the possibility of haya apagones on a large scale.

“Have you prepared for the possibility of not having electricity for hours or hours for days, ”Hidalgo warned.

“The most important thing that we want to communicate on this day is that if we do not find the domingo for the night or night, then the plan to quarrel all haste to martyrs”, aanbeveling Lina Hidalgo who exhorted her all Harris Condom population has been prepared for this temporary.

Hidalgo mentions that there is a strong coordination with all of the district’s authorities, police departments, veterans and other authorities.

“If the predictions are correct, we will have an incident that we did not see in 30 years. There is a very high probability of aphagons, aggravating conditions, tener to get visas and carrion, is the type of things that we will see in a category 5 ”hurricane.

The worst time will affect a part of the country with temperatures that rise by the level of congestion.

“The options we have from bad to bad and we are predicting varying degrees of climate near cero ”

Domingo is formally activating the Harris Emergency Operations Center and its employees have been working throughout the week to implement these time-only conditions to protect and ensure community safety.

