Héctor Sandarti reveals the revelation of Fernando Colunga

In the third segment of his podcast “Algo Bueno Que Decir”, Héctor Sandarti abrió su corazón con el public and accounts that one of the most profitable actors of artistic medium.

Sandarti commences to fool that tenia a CEA partner who always has it impeccable, with a large door and elegance, although at the moment it is not known by the public.

“Fernando always has an impeccable legacy, he wears a well-dressed, well-groomed, perfumed, always wears a dress for another, has the knowledge, but he moves with a sense of security and elegance”.

Includes a day when you were standing with Fernando Colunga hizo a tremendous deflection with the word in the mouth to get behind a producer.

“I’ve been dating him, so I’ve been producing an executive who’s running for me and I’m agreeing that Fernando’s having me alone with the irs to salute, for me to be lambishconear yo dije deja aquí hablando solo? What is the subject, what is the part, what is the subject? If you do not know the cone! ”.

Años después “A day, a day in my bed on the 3rd of the day, without work, alone, desperate since nothing happened in my life, not in my career, I saw on television my friend Fernando promoting his first protagonist”.

Héctor Sandarti abrió su corazón

Sin duda Colunga hizo reflect mediated to Sandarti, pues at this moment understand that he from the first moment is the creie, as the guatemalteco has no habit.

“Hoy Fernando can presume to be one of the best paid TV actors. Ya saben de quien estoy hablando, Fernando Colunga ”.

Héctor Sandarti abrió su corazón
