Hector Acosta infuses cervical pain and goes to medical school

Hector Acosta (El Torito) has a corporate grievance that probably lives on in Chirofano. Approximately 10 days to support a punishable man in the right man, the senator for the province Monsieur Nouel assures that he should think that his grief is due to a bad posture, possibly as a result of having slept the same man. Without embarrassment, with the passing of the slides, the dollars will be increased by which a radiography is required.

The irregularity-related medical procedure, however, is not sufficient for an orthopedic doctor to explain in detail the origin of the lesions, just because the force indicates a magnetic resonance.

The resonance revealed three reasons for careful sum, a desgarroespierd, a small twig in the same shape and a lower inflation in the biceps.

With these results “El Torito” will visit this specialist doctor on March 9, who will decide if he needs to undergo a surgical intervention or on the contrary there is the possibility of curing the patients with a therapeutic program.

This is the reason why the powder should indicate a medical license, as well as its Senator functions, as well as the artistic part, indicate its representatives in a communication sent to Listín Diario.

“I’m worried because I’m not used to it, so I’re pitcher to play pelota, assuming that powder can be oxidized hues by the fall of uso, considering that in this case the microphone is used and has my breaths on the screen tono jocoso el wetgewer.
