Heather Dorak defends friend Meghan Markle amid media investigation

One of Meghan Markle’s beloved friends, Pilates instructor Heather Dorak, took to social media in defense of the Duchess in light of the growing scrutiny of the tabloid she told before she and Prince Harry’s all-telling interview with Oprah Winfrey experienced it.

“It’s hard for me to see how she’s going through everything she has to do because the press that Meghan can like is hate,” Dorak began with the Instagram post. ‘Mostly because I’m so far from the Meghan. Sweet. Friendly. Always show up! Two weeks ago, she was the first to surprise me with a gift after my knee surgery. 17 years ago she walked into my young Pilates studio and immediately became my rock in the early 20s – career, love, figuring out how to grow up. Since that day, she has never ceased to be one of my brightest sources of light. ”

She continued, ‘It may be hard to see, but she lives for the small, thoughtful things – flowers for no reason, a randomly sweet, handwritten note. She’s always been wonderful … M, I love you. ‘

Dorak’s sentiments reflect those of model Chrissy Teigen, who also came to Markle’s defense, suggesting that the negative attention she is receiving could have serious consequences for the pregnant public figure.

“This Meghan Markle st is getting too close to my house,” Teigen tweeted Friday. “These people will not stop until she has a miscarriage. F – king stop it. ”

Buckingham Palace has announced that it intends to investigate allegations of bullying made by a former staff member against Markle, just as others in Markle’s past have come to her defense.

Pauline Maclaran, author of ‘Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture’, said this week that the upcoming CBS special of the Duke and Duchess’s CBS ‘is a greater danger than the interview of Prince Andrew with a car accident. ‘

“I think Meghan is going to get a lot of sympathy, especially from American audiences, for her untenable position,” Maclaran said.
