Healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart attacks | Salud | La Revista

By Dra. Xiomara Guerra

President of the Guayas Nutrition Association

Cellular: 0991355580 / Correo: [email protected]

List to start your healthy diet for the heart? These are also tips that you can help you gain.

Although it is safe to say that dietary supplements can increase cardiovascular disease risk, many times it is difficult to change dietary habits, and continue to make recommendations for a healthy diet for the heart. Once you have enough food you can eat for the most part and you will have to limit yourself, you will have on the truck a healthy diet for the heart.

1. Check the size of the portions. How much does it matter how important it is. If you keep the plate, come very quickly and no detainees have felt replete, probably consume more calories from the ones that are needed. There are larger portions of low-calorie and nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and smaller portions of foods with a high calorie and sodium content, as well as fast, refined or processed foods. With this strategy you can put in shape the diet, the courage and the belt. It is necessary to use the necessary measures and measures to ensure a balance that can be considered to determine the size of the portions without help.

2. More vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, have a rich calorie content and are rich in dietary fiber, which have been shown to help prevent cardiovascular disease.

More fruits and vegetables can help reduce the consumption of foods with more calories, such as carne, cheese and refrigerators. Incorporarlos in your diet can be easy. Collect the fruits in a container in the kitchen in order to recover them.

Elige cereales integrales. The whole cereals are a good source of fiber and other nutrients that complement an important papule in the regulation of arterial pressure and the health of the heart.

To increase the amount of whole grains in a healthy diet for the heart, replace the refined whole grain products.

4. Limit la ingesta de grasas no saludables. Limit the amount of saturated and trans grass that comes from being an important step in reducing your blood sugar and reducing your risk of coronary artery disease. Eco monosaturated grasses, such as olive oil or canola, gyrosol, ajonjolí. Polysinsaturadas, which are found in determined fisheries, in the water, in the clouds and in the leaves, are also a good option to follow a
a healthy diet for the heart.

All types of fat have high calorie content. An easy way to add healthy grass (fiber) to your diet is to consume whole wheat flour, which has a high content of omega-3 fiber and acidic acids.

5. Elige sources of protein with a lot of grass content. The meat carcasses and lean fish, the lactic products with a lot of grass and the eggs are the best sources of protein. The fish is another excellent alternative to replace the trees with high content of grasses and acids omega-3, which can reduce the grasses in the song called “triglycerides”. Pescados con burgemeester cantidad de akidos grasos omega-3 son los de agua fría, como el Salmon, la caballa y el arenque. Other sources include linseed oil, nuts, soy and canola oil.

The legumes (fries, gypsies and lentils) also have their protein-rich foods, contain less fat and no cholesterol, due to the fact that they have good carbohydrate properties.

6. Reduce the soda in your comrades. Consuming much can help contribute to high arterial pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Reduce the consumption of an important part of a healthy price for the korazon. I highly recommend the following:

  • Healthy adults do not need to consume more than 2300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day (approximately one ounce of salt)
  • The Adult Adult Mayor consumes less than 1500 mg of sodium per day

If well, I would add it to the kitchen when it is served while cooking it is a good first step. Opt for fresh foods and prepare your soups and sofas as a means by which you can help reduce the amount of salt you consume.

7. Plan with anticipation. Create diary menus. Create daily menus using the six most commonly used strategies. Choose foods for each meal and tent, prefer the vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Elige sources of lean protein and healthy foods, and limit salad foods. Supervises the size of the portions and aggregate varied between menu options.

For example, if a night came fishing, there was a hamburger of black girls the next night. This will help ensure that you get all the nutrients you need. The diverse also makes its comedies and tentacles more interesting.

8. Date a taste of time when. Incorporate these and your advice into your life, and discover that a food that is salable for the heart is something that can be made and enjoyed. With a little planning and simple replacements, you can start keeping the courage in mind.



  • Heat a glass with fish on the plate and roll salsa with water
  • Juvenile juice with guinea and lemon.

Media mañana


  • Soup of legumes
  • Arroz integral with fish steam and fresh lettuce, aguacate and tomato salad
  • Lemon juice

Tarde Media

  • Temporary fruit with yoghurt and linseed flour


  • Frejoles guisados ​​con zanahoria y pollo mechado
  • Tea with lemon. (F)
