Health experts warn caution as LA shows modest improvement in COVID-19 cases

LOS ANGELES (KABC) – The number of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations, though still high, is finally moving in the right direction in Los Angeles County.

Hospital-intensive care units in the Los Angeles area were full for weeks, with health workers struggling to treat the overwhelming number of COVID-19 patients.

The holiday season, with its travel and events, is seen as a major contributor to early January.

The boom is now slowing down, although cases, deaths and hospitalizations are higher than during last summer’s boom.

Health experts express cautious optimism and note that the public must still take great precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

“We are currently at a very good point,” said Dr. Anthony Cardillo, CEO of Mend Urgent Care, said. “We do not want to see a bend in the wrong direction.”

The spread of vaccines is also likely to help with the decline in new infections. Thousands of shots are fired at Dodger Stadium and other locations across the country.

The vaccination process started with those who have the greatest exposure to the virus and those who are at greatest risk of developing severe symptoms.

“We do know that health care providers, the nursing home population and thousands of people over the age of 65 who are starting their vaccination range now know,” Cardillo said. “And it really helps to contribute to this decline.”

With the relaxation of home orders in California, restaurants are open for dining again, but health officials say people should only eat with family members and others living in the same household.

And they all remind us to be vigilant.

“We need to maintain our sensitivity and our common sense about what really reduces the transmission of this virus.”

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