Health care destroys the vacancy of a single dose of Janssen for people aged 70 to 79 years | Sociedad

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has announced that the first vacancies in Janssen will be injected into people aged 70 to 79 years. The reception of the first vials of this pharmacy is a key step in the evacuation strategy of Spain (and of the European Union in particular), which is the primary immunization of a single dose, which allows to accelerate the volume of population completely protected against coronavirus. The Minister has ensured that the viola primaries of Janssen (pharmaceutical subsidiary of the Johnson & Johnson state-owned company) are in Spain “the first-class fair”.

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Health, 13.3% of the population between 70 and 79 years have received less than a dose of some vacancies. It is a paradoxical situation: the immunization in the group of 60 to 69 years is very superior (22.3%), although the coronavirus has the highest risk of serious seizures since the mayor and the hospital. This circumstance is due to the fact that the rank of 65 to 79 years has been in the world for the last two weeks: the mayors of 80 eran the priority group with the dose of Pfizer (a 91.4% have received at least one dose) and the minor of 65 eran the diana group with the pharmacy of AstraZeneca.

The latest update of the evacuation plan, from March 30, specifies that the administration of Janssen’s evacuation will have several criteria: it will be administered to the most mayors and the oath will be descended to mean that more people will be immunized. With more than 10 major mayors in the 80s with the first dose, this drug is intended for the next group, the septuagenarius.

The vacancies that have already been administered in Spain (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca) require doses with weekly intervals between each pinch. The immunization with a single injection of Janssen will start with the 300,000 doses that will be read this week in Spain, according to the Minister last week. The European Commission has signed a contract to receive 400 million doses, which in Spain correspond to 10.47% (42 million). The first five million will be read in Spain during the second quarter of this year, according to Darias last week.

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias (c), this Monday, accompanied by the Council of Health of the Canaries, Blas Trujillo (3i), in the landing at the airport of Gran Canaria of a new situation of vacancies against the covid-19 of Pfizer.
The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias (c), this Monday, accompanied by the Council of Health of the Canaries, Blas Trujillo (3i), in the landing at the airport of Gran Canaria of a new situation of vacancies against the covid-19 of Pfizer.Elvira Urquijo A. / EFE

The use of this vaccine in the European Union took place on 11 March by the European Medicines Agency (EMA for its English flags). The pharmacy has 67% efficiencies, according to a clinical trial conducted with 44,000 18-year-olds in the United States, South Africa and Latin America. After two weeks, a reduction of 67% was recorded in the number of co-occurring cases in the subjects who received the pharmacy compared with those who received the placebo. It is a traditional type vaccine, like the AstraZeneca, in which it infects a virus that incorporates a gene from SARS-CoV-2, which provokes covid-19, and prepares it for the immunological system to repel contagious futures. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern models are based on the technology known as ARN, which looks at the cells in this molecule with the necessary genetic instructions to generate natural defenses in front of the SARS-CoV-2.

What happens to the second dose of AstraZeneca

Asked about the possibility of administering the second dose of AstraZeneca to minor candidates over 60 years of age, injecting the first with informed consent (although it is limited to the most frequent episodes of juvenile thrombosis, in contrast to the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency), the Minister said that he was examining “all possible scenarios” and decided in favor of indicating “scientific evidence”. ‘Calma, haoi tiempo. We will announce the best of the decisions for these second dose cases with AstraZeneca ”, he concluded. However, there are several weeks in which those who receive the first dose of this drug will receive a second pinchaza, which has 12 semesters of hope between each injection. Health value is the probability that the second dose is administered by another pharmacy, AstraZeneca or that this second administration does not exist.

The Minister stated that during the second quarter of this year, Spain hopes to receive, if the company agreements with the providers are completed, 38 million of different vacancies, in which case more than 10 million will be paid in the first. One of the main suppliers, said Pfizer, is that it has reached a compromise of 4.8 million in Spain alone in April, up to 1.2 million a week.

All this, he added, would allow “accelerate the rhythm of vacancy”, with which the Gobierno maintains his objective of having vacated 70% of the population diana (mayors of 16 years) “before the month of August”.

“Vacancies are safe, effective and effective. We are close to the people who are in the vista: for example, in the mayors’ residences, where lethality has descended practically to the same [tasa] of those persons who are not in residence. We also have other collectives who are evacuated, as well as first-line paramedics, ”he remarked.
