The first thing I did when I started in Foundation, the center of the center Final Fantasy XIV‘s expansion of Heavensward, was reported for the Astrologer and Dark Knight work class. It’s extremely characterless to me, because I only play damage dealers in MMOs, and Astrolgian and Dark Knight are healer and tank classes, respectively. But part of the beauty of Final Fantasy XIV is that you can play all classes on a single character – you do not have to create a new character and start the game all over again as in other MMOs. I thought I would give it a chance to load and heal, and if I did not like it, I could switch back to one of my three damage classes. But now, I think I will remain an astrologer forever.
It happens often – the damage dealer goes over to see how the other roles live and finds a world full of wonder and excitement. In this regard, my experience is to try a healing class for the first time is not extraordinary. But what was so interesting and fun for me is how switching classes has not only become a pleasant gaming experience, but also a narrative experience.
I play Final Fantasy XIV to enjoy his story. Although I am not on a server known for role-playing, nor in a role-playing-free enterprise, I enjoy playing alone in my head. After the events of A realm that is born again, my miqo’te is dirty, depressed and alone. (Yes, Tataru and Alphinaud are there with her, but the one she hates and the other has never been more than the adorable admin assistant working in a very different department, so they are at best just soft acquaintances. ) for answers, try to see meaning in all the fucking shit she had to go through. Her black wizard offered no advice. All her bard teachers did was bicker as they secretly came out from behind the chocobo stables. And her samurai sensei was apparently only interested in correcting injustices in the past with his best Robin Hood impression. At every turn, my character was offered no consolation until she ended up in the Athenaerium Astrologicum.
After a series of quests, my character was on her way to becoming a powerful astrologer, and at each step, her teachers taught her to look to the stars for guidance when things were unclear or difficult. For a character so wounded, she was personally becoming an astrologer and finding the answers she needed in the stars. I’m not one of the astrology types in real life. I do not know my birth charts and I do not know what my rising sign is – I’m a lion, that’s all I want to know. But since my childhood I was completely fascinated by the stars. Most of my ideas about tattooing are from stars. I hunt on Etsy for star-themed art, even my twitter name “adashtra” is a mixture of my name and the Latin “per aspera, ad astra” or “through hardship, to the stars.” Stars are quite my thing, so it made me happy to see that something I enjoy in real life comforts my character.
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From a game perspective, astrologers are damn cool. They fight with decorated devices called star balls that float in their hands while a pack of tarot cards magically spins them. It’s so creative and unexpected, and I love it. None of it tired Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings bullshit, fight with magic wands and sticks, we do the extreme fantasy shit, and fight with the power of Tarot. I mean, look at me, it does not look quite right!
The prospect of healing was and still is laden. My DPS wired brain is struggling to adjust to the mindset of a healer. Previously, I barely had to know a boss’s streets – just do not stand in the ‘X’ in which ‘X’ is, regardless of the area damage that a boss will cause on the ground. Now, from the dungeons at the lowest level to the highest raids, I must know that everything will die. I may have run a dozen times through the Church of Stone Vigil without knowing anything more than ‘do not stand in the ice’. It was only as a healer that I learned that you had to use cannons to kill the dragon during the second boss. Switching from damage to healer was like asking me to learn Carl Sagan-level astrophysics as a teenager fresh from Algebra I.
The tension of being responsible for a successful church was killer. And with me, people died a lot. Even though I’m a doctor, I’m still expected to do damage to help kill gangs. But sometimes I will see that the tank’s health deteriorates while I inflict damage. I will conjure healing and continue to enchant healing and wonder why it does not get better, until I finally realize that I have not changed targets – I have placed the healing spells on the mob. I’ll quickly switch targets, but it’s too late – the tank is dead. It happened once in Haukke Manor and I was so ashamed that I forged a disconnection and just signed off there and then.
I got a lot better. Physician is very good if you want to develop your leadership skills. I have progressed to the point that I am the one leading new players through the lower dungeons, instructing people not to attack the shooting shells in the Copperbell Mines and to jump against Titan at the right moment. It is as if the stars know my precious food in all their knowledge, with the knowledge and confidence she needs to lead others.
The truth is, I’ve never been busy again Final Fantasy XIV since I played a healer. I was 50 levels on auto driver and now that I have to use my brain I do not want to go back. I understand that my damage classes get more complicated the higher my level, and I look forward to the challenges they present, but I’m thinking of making my astrologer my main class. It fits my character’s story, it’s fun to play, and I never have to wait more than two seconds in a pit. Oh yeah, I never give it up.