Haymaking aircraft of 50 protados armadas

(CNN) – The FBI has received information indicating that “armed protests” are taking place in the 50 state capitals and the Capitol of the United States in Washington in the ten days of President Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20. bulletin interno obtenido by CNN.

“There are planned armed protests in the 50 state capitals from the 16th of this year until the 20th of January, and in the Capitol of the United States from the 17th of this year until the 20th of January”, dobbeltsteen.

On January 8, the FBI received information about a group identified as paying others who joined them in the ‘asalto’ of the state and local government’s courts and administrative editors in the case of the POTUS [presidente de Estados Unidos, por sus siglas en inglés] is destined as president before the day of the position. This group has also been identified as ‘government’, including in the District of Columbia and in all states ‘Independent States, certifying the electoral votes for Biden or Trump, the 20th of January,’ states the ballot.

The objective of the armed protests

The ballot paper, which surpasses the rumors that the agitators are attacking the Capitol of the United States last week, also suggests that it had a “levantamiento” if President Donald Trump was sent to the 25th anniversary of the inauguration. .

Additionally, the FBI is known to provide information on the various types of Biden’s presidential bids before the presidential inauguration.

“The Indian League has filed against Harris’s Vice President and President Pelosi,” he said.

ABC News has released the first FBI newsletter about the protests.

Shanon Banner, spokesman for the Michigan State Police, said that he was close to the march to the state capitals that were being promoted online and that security measures were being taken to ensure security.

“Our security planning is fluid and realizes the necessary adjustments, day to day,” said Banner. “The best security measures that can be implemented include all visible media as invisible. In the general case, we do not discuss security measures, but we can confirm that by precaution, we will increase our presence visible in the Capitol during the weeks following high ».
