Have multi-articular exercises to practice with a kettlebell or a Russian cat

Many people like it because the multi-particle soles can only be made with bars, but this is not the case. With a kettlebell we have various options for working different muscles at different times.

Antes de ver ownerarticicios multarticulares con kettlebell vamos a ver en qué consististen estos eiercicios. The multi-articular owners, also known as composites, son those that we have to work multiple articulations with a single movement. For example, the bench press is considered a multi-articular exercise because the pectoral cord works like the deltoids and triceps. For another lad, a curl of biceps series considered a monoarticular aisle or aislado.

These properties, multi-articular, have great sales. Aceleran our body in mayor medida to work more muscle groups at different times, we help to reduce the duration of training y, in his majority, son Functional features that help you gain mass gain and strength.

Training men with kettlebells or Russian weights: a complete routine

Now that we know how strong our muscles are, with a kettlebell we can work different muscle groups at different times.

Dead weight with kettlebell

However, the conventional death penalty in this case also applies to multiple articles. The glutee burgemeester, erecto de la columna, aductor, cuádriceps, femorales, hombros, escapulas y el abdomen son algunos de los muscles mus se ven implicados en este eercicio.

A very common error when making this request is not using the appropriate amount. Ten in account that in dead weight we are able to move many kilos y, if you want to work your muscles with sufficient intensity, it is important to attach a kettlebell with adequate weight.

Cup squat

This exercise allows us to work the glutes, the piercings, the core, the men and including the biceps with a very solitary movement similar to a classic one. The same as in the previous ownership is main usar un peso alto which allows us to work with intensity to maximize movement.

To realize the ownership it is important to maintain the kettlebell at the height of the pitchfork by the asa with both hands. The points of the second step should be ligated and even if we have a normal sentence, it is important to remove the suffix above the 90º.

Kettlebell Clean and Printing Press

This owner can make one with two kettlebells simultaneously and consists of a clean or loaded machine with a bar and a military or push press.

With this exercise we work the quadriceps, ischiotibiales, trapezoids and deltoids. Además también se ven implicados los gemelos, lumbale, abdominales y gluteos y por tanto hablamos de un very full ownership.

Kettlebell Snatch

Similar to the front, pero in this case we will do all the rehearsal in a unique movement, sin parar la kettlebell en los hombros. However, in the previous aneurysm there were also tracts extending to the quadriceps, ischiotibialis, male adrenal glands, the lumbar, abdominal zone and including the glutes.

Kettlebell Swing

This famous ownership is also a multi-part ownership or the property by which work practically all the body. The glutes, the piercings, the lashes, the abdomen, the lumbar spine and the braces are implicated in this excretion.

It’s important maintain the right brace during balance y ayudarnos con las piernas aprovechando el rebote para elevar la kettlebell. He avoids moving rarities or jalones with the cleft that can acabar lesions.

Turkish delivery with kettlebell

This owner, also known as Turkish Get Up, consists of ponytail, taking part in a position in which we are stumped in the top corner, without having to worry about a rush with one of our men.

A quick kettlebells routine to train you to your core in 30 minutes

It is a very special exercise, but with it we work the abdomen, lumbar, male, cuadriceps and gluteos which it convents in a very complete exercise and a coordination, strength and balance.

Kettlebell Curl in Sentadilla

I own this song by those who follow convert an aislado like a biceps curl into a compost to add an isometric center. We simply maintain a position of sentadillas with the pierns in 90º and we do biceps curl with one of two kettlebells. Finally, in this form, we will be working on the piercings, the abdomen and the braces.

This article was originally published by Víctor Falcón in August 2018 and has been revised for its republic.

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