Have anticuerpos in person song donations in vacancies

(CNN) – In the first week of March, more than 20% of personal injury donations to ten-year-olds from covid-19, according to CNN’s shared data on the United Kingdom Cross.

Between June 2020 and March 2021 principles, the United Kingdom Cross Cross evaluated more than 3.3 million people in vacancies in 44 states to detect the presence of covid-19 antiquities. In general, 7.5% of the exams donated in this case are positive for covid-19 anticoagulants. This means that it is probable that the donors were infected with the new coronavirus at some point.

The United Red Cross signaled that “a positive result of an anti-cancer test did not confirm the infection or the infection”, but may indicate that a person has been exposed to coronavirus, “Independently of a person who develops symptoms”. The prevalence of antecedents among blood donors has not increased with time, while increasing the number of cases throughout the country.

Following CNN’s shared data for electronic mail, 1.5% of the donations analyzed in the first week of July will be positive for covid-19 antiquities. This increased 4% of the donations examined in the first week of October, around 12% of the donations studied in the first week of January and in this case 21% of the donations analyzed in the first week of March.

Collective immunity

“Singing donors are not a masterpiece of the general public, but they are interesting,” said Dr. William Schaffner, Assessor of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at EU.

Schaffner commented that there are two things that can impress us.

“The first is a sustainable part of the EE.UU population. has experimented covid, at least the song donor population, sabiendas o sin saberlo. The other is a large proportion of the population of EE.UU. nee lo ha hecho, es el 80% », señaló. “For this reason, we can trust only in the strategy to allow the collective munitions to be produced in a natural way. We need to evacuate in order to reach 80% of the population at sea ».

Collective immunity is the point at which sufficient people are protected against an illness, by which they can not propagate among the people. You can log on as individual suspects have anti-virus activity.

People who recover from coronavirus have good protection against the virus, although scientists who do not know it are resistant and against the emerging covid-19 variants. Vacuumse estimates the immunological system to burn protection artificially.

“Ambos contributes to a la meta de llegar al 80%”, says Schaffner.

Fauci: The collective munitions sector being “a difficult number to launch”

The percentage of the stadium population that needs to be vacated in order for the nation to be housed in the collective unit is called “a difficult number to set up”, indicates the mood of Dr. Anthony Fauci, medical assessor in President Joe Bidenón’s wife, at one of the White House.

“No obsessive-compulsive disorder like this with the collective bargaining chip. We need to prepare for the evacuation of the most vulnerable people, “said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infections at EE.UU.

“It is debatable that collective bargaining is a difficult number to set up, if we have a projection of what is likely to be a series. He said many times, between 70% and 85%, but we do not know him with certainty. If so, in order to be obsessed with it, why not decide that the mayor will vacate the most fast-moving person, ”said Fauci. “And every day that happens, there are more than 2 million doses in people, we are doing everything we can to control this pandemic.”

Information from the Pew Research Center

The most recent hallucinations of the anti-corps of the Cruz Roja de Estados Unidos among donors in vacancies reflect more generalized data.

Give a notice to the Pew Research Center, 1 of every 4 estadounidenses dice que tuvo covid-19. One in every 3 Hispanic adults indicates that you have the virus and the more young adults are more likely than the major adults to decide that you have the virus. The results suggest that the pandemic has affected the majority of the states.

In the survey, 67% say they know someone who has been hospitalized or died of the virus. This response is repeated in the majority of all demographic groups, the report said.

He reported on 29.5 million de casos de covid-19 and Estados Unidos, the dates of the Johns Hopkins University. It represents the average of 9% of the population. Pero the experts estimate that the real number of cases is much mayor, which coincides with the halls of the Red Cross of the United States.

The Centers for Control and Prevention of Infants of EE.UU. It is estimated that more than 83 million cases were fined in December, which means that more than a quarter of the population were infected with 2020 fines.
