Have a healthy diet with less sugary foods and saturated grasses prevent type 2 diabetes

At present, 40 out of every 100 people with type 2 diabetes (DT2) do not have this chronic metabolic disorder, and it is estimated that by 2030 patients diagnosed in the Central American and Caribbean regions will rise to 5.4 million .

The estimated prognosis is that the symptoms of this type of diabetes are late in manifesting themselves, whereas the diagnoses are late and the complications are increasing.

“One of the major causes in the treatment of this condition is that it passes passive form and we know that it exists with other pathogens such as cardiovascular disease or renal failure, for which we seek that the abortion of the patient is holistic and integral establish treatment, follow-up and analysis plans that control only the primary illness, including correlated pathways ”, ver verling Esteban Coto, managed by AstraZeneca for Central America and the Caribbean.

Inadequately treated, type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of presenting serious complications such as cerebral palsy, neurological and ulcerative lesions.

Avoid padecerla

Sobrepeso is one of the most common detonators of diabetes, and according to the World Health Organization (OMS) 1,900 million adults present.

Coto mentions that among the main recommendations to prevent or reverse the appearance of type 2 diabetes, is to follow: provide a healthy diet that involves eliminating the consumption of sugar and saturated grass; perform at least 30 minutes of diarrhea diarrhea, avoid tobacco consumption, maintain a constant control of the corporate body and perform periodic medical checks.

The medical agent added that in the case of the patients who require a medicine for the control of his illness, it is fundamental that sigan and the recommendations of his treating physician.

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