Hasta Verónica Castro joined the celebration for the 25 years of “Ventaneando”

Pati Chapoy y Verónica Castro (Captura de pantalla)
Pati Chapoy y Verónica Castro (Captura de pantalla)

Verónica Castro has not formed part of the conductor plant of Ventaneando, but it is emotional that suffices with the parties by the 25 years of the program to paralyze in full live transmission and congratulate all the team of Pati Chapoy.

“Hablé porque estoy muy sentida, no quisiste compartir tu luz conmigo”, commented the star via telephone.

Verónica Castro’s winner was named when she appeared in the special program José José “Pepillo” Origel and Martha Figueroa, original director of the issue, together with Chapoy and Pedro Sola.

Very excited about the reunion of the conductors of Ventaneando -which also included Mónica Garza, Aurora Valle, Álvaro Cueva, Jimena Pérez, Ricardo Casares, Atala Sarmiento and Inés Gómez Mont-, Vero Castro lamented that Pati did not mention “darle trabajo” to make it more enjoyable.

Pepillo Origel together with Pati Chapoy and Pedro Sola (Captura de pantalla)
Pepillo Origel together with Pati Chapoy and Pedro Sola (Captura de pantalla)

“(Estoy) all of them came with a lot of emotion, all of them were brought very well here”, Añadió Castro.

Pati Chapoy was approved for questioning by his most recent film and also by his brothers, Michel and Cristian.

“Ï Mis hijos?, No sé, no sé si tengo hijos. I have a disability which is a superstitious novelty, I say that it was in the case of the woman, not to mention the lesser idea ”, commented Cristian respectfully, while saying that Michel only mentions that he is working on a new movie.

Atala Sarmiento se enlazó des España (Captura: Tv Azteca)
Atala Sarmiento se enlazó des España (Captura: Tv Azteca)

In the letter charla, Daniel Bisogno greetings to Veronica and her response to a council (also the recent controversies that have led the leader and that he mantuvieron alejado de Ventaneando more of one month): “Even though you are a Jew and you are one of those things that you choose to do.”

Castro finished his song with a few words for Chapoy: “I love you, I’ve been sending a lot because I’ve been afraid to do what you want because I’m not wearing pants … congratulations to all ”.

Martha Figueroa, Juan José Origel, Pati Chapoy and Pedro Sola
Martha Figueroa, Juan José Origel, Pati Chapoy and Pedro Sola

The transmission of these fires is a special result and is what the January 22, 1996 when Ventaneando commences its transmissions in Aztec TV.

The program of these fours initiated by Pati Chapoy together with Pedro Sola and Juan José Origel, as well as with Martha Figueroa on Zoom. They will carry out the first conductors of the broadcast dedicated to the world of entertainment.

In the meantime, we will start recording anecdotes of the program’s initiations, while the famous evasive darlings will be interviewed during the reprisals of Television.

Pepillo Origel y Martha Figueroa en los inicios de Ventaneando (Captura de pantalla)
Pepillo Origel y Martha Figueroa en los inicios de Ventaneando (Captura de pantalla)

Origin destacko the great success that lograron in little time sin that none of the conductors fuera joven o famoso. It is also known that water “Pepillo” is called the separation of Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian.

And it’s that Maribel was staying at Joan Sebastian’s house waiting for Ventaneando when Origel gave the note that she had seen while singing at a bar Arleth Terán; as at this moment Maribel decided to end his relationship.

During the three hours that lasted this special for 25 years, defiled by Ventaneando all ex executives, who share anecdotes about his step of the show, the most long in his type on Mexican television.

Quizás the presence that was most surprised by the Atala Sarmiento, which in 2018 abandoned the program in the midst of serious tension and controversy, mainly with Pati Chapoy.


Surprise in Ventaneando !: Atala Sarmiento also joined the celebrations for the 25 years

“Pepillo” Origel and Martha Figueroa will return to “Ventaneando”: then celebrate the 25 years of the program

From Martha Figueroa to Atala Sarmiento: What happened to the ex-conductors of Ventaneando who were paid in the middle of a dispute?
