‘Hasta que me olvides’, the song that Juan Luis Guerra composed for Luis Miguel | Music | Maintenance

The composer Juan Luis Guerra wrote the song for Luis Miguel.

The song Hasta que me olvides, included in the disco Ram del mexican artist Luis Miguel, launched in June 1993, was actually composed by the Dominican Juan Luis Guerra.

Accord to the Netflix series, centered on the life of the song, the song was discovered by Patricio Robles, an employee of Hugo López, Monday by Luis Miguel. Sondeverbod, el Sol la rechazó.

Dominican songwriter Juan Luis Guerra has made great strides in his career.

Months before the star of the series, the Mexican conductor Jorge El burro Van Rankin detailed details Completely differentiate from the ones that are ridiculed in the series.

The theme was written by Juan Luis Guerra, according to Van Rankin’s version, was the Dominican composer who was named after Luis Miguel. Van Rankin is sure to have this day at the home of Luis Miguel, When Juan Luis Guerra was sent to the escalators, he took a handkerchief and at the same time wrote the letter.

Van Rankin reveals the dates regarding the origin of the song in an interview with the program Miembros al aire. ‘You have a sentado al lado de los dos. Micky la escuchó y dijo ‘geen mames’. If the jury, the writing in a servile. Una joya ”, indicates Van Rankin. (E)
