Hasta nuevos hospitals tendría el pais si EEH cumpliera contract

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.-Si la Honduras Energy Company (EEH) Complement with the contract and pay the reduction of losses in distribution, the country will have to resort to building new hospitals.

Experts consulted by EL HERALDO Quantifying that from August 2016 to July 2020, it is clear that, in the next four years, the National Electric Energy Company (ENEE) has paid 13,238.1 million in EEH lighting costs.

Apart from this, the state paid a million dollars a day, that is to say, 25 million diary losses, on the concept of technical losses and no distribution techniques, which is the principal obligation of the Honduran company.

With a month that the EEH complies with the contract, Honduras tenders the necessary resources to buy the vacancies and apply to the population that is ready to receive, for example.

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A criterion of the executive director of the Association for a more Just Society (ASJ), Carlos Hernández, las pérdidas de la ENEE son altas, about everything, by the value that is paid to EEH of 15 million dollars monthly cost of fuel, die in effect and five that accumulate in the debt, when many international studies that have to pay their millions.


EEH tends to reduce losses but in the first four years it has been increased, in perjury of the State.

There are rumors that it is possible to pay millions of dollars for my Honduras energy without benefits to the country.

“With these tendrils we have enough resources to buy the vacancies and immunize the entire Honduran people, even if there are hundreds of Hondurans,” Hernández recalls.

The leader of the civil society considers that it is urgent that the State recovers the governance of the ENEE and all its aggregates to reduce costs and can invest this money in the Honduran people, not to mention that he did not give the results.

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The cost has been considered low by various sectors and has generated a strong controversy because EEH has not complied with the loss of distribution system distribution, which was 32.61% in November 2020.

Luis Guifarro, President of Collegio de Economistas de Honduras (CEH), considered that if the technical losses as established in the contract with the EEH were eliminated, only recourse would be made to the vaccine against covid-19, if only to more hospitals.


One million dollar dollars in distribution technical losses held by ENEE because EEH has not been recorded.

In statements to EL HERAlDO val saam except that the company is inconsistent with the compromise of reducing losses, the problem of the payment of the cost of property is inappropriate.

In other countries, energy contracts are agreed upon when demand is based on consumption and no cost is compared, compared.

INTEREST: What is the evacuation plan against covid-19 in Honduras?

If it is taken into account what it represents in terms of cost for the country the contract with EEH, this means ten vacancies and more hospitals to attend the public.

“Lamentably its millions of resources that the State has had to meet with the EEH contract, which serves to assign priority sectors, such as health and education,” he said.

Apart from the fact that the efficiency of the Honduran economy is underestimated, because it is not possible to carry out negotiations with an energy that is not efficient, it is possible that an increase of up to eight hours, will it contribute to the generation of negotiations? , questionnaire. Another theme is the high cost of energy, which alone is not a problem for businesses, but for the higher ones, because it represents a burden and avoids economic waste.
