Harvard scientists have just discovered a major cause of baldness – BGR

We differ in an endless way. From our height to our eye color, there are things that define who each of us is that often cannot be changed. Of course, you can wear shoes with thick bottoms to grow an inch or put on colored contact lenses, but baldness is something most people just accept as part of who it is. Hair loss is often hereditary, meaning it is passed down over generations, but it is not the only cause, and researchers are trying to figure out how we can slow down the progression of hair loss or even prevent it with certain interventions.

Now, a new study by the same team of Harvard scientists who found clear link between stress hormones and the premature aging of hair is back in another article. This one examines the link between stress and hair loss, and the findings could be a major step in the development of treatments that prevent hair loss in certain individuals.

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Stress can have an incredible impact on our body, and most of the time it is negative. Stress can affect sleep patterns, cognition and physical health in different ways. When it comes to our hair, stress hormones can cause hair follicles to start growing hair sooner than they otherwise could, and based on this new round of research, it can also cause hair follicles to shut down.

The study, which used mice as a model for hair growth, loss and regenerative abilities, found that hair follicle stem cells are quite sensitive. If they are thrown outside the shed, the growth and resting phases to which the follicles usually move are skewed. Eventually, the cells spend more time in the dormant state than they should, and as you would expect, hair loss and a lack of regrowth follow.

As animals get older, including mice and humans, the hair follicles spend more and more time in the resting phase, but the researchers were able to actually stop it. They removed the stress hormones that affect the hair follicles and the hair began to grow faster, even in older mice. Part of hair loss is related to age and genetics, but stress (or lack thereof) can change things for the better or for the worse.

“Even the basal level of stress hormone that normally circulates in the body is an important regulator of the resting phase,” Ya-Chieh Hsu, senior author of the study, published in Nature, said in a statement. “Tension increases the existing ‘adrenal hair follicle axis’, which makes it even more difficult for stem cells of the hair follicle to enter the growth phase to regenerate new hair follicles. ‘

It may be impossible to remove stress from your life, but the findings in this new round of research may eventually lead to treatments that will increase hair growth or stop hair loss.

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Mike Wehner has been reporting on technology and video games for the past decade, discussing news and trends in VR, portable, smartphones and future technology. Mike was recently technical editor at The Daily Dot and has appeared in USA Today, Time.com and numerous other web and print outlets. His love of reporting is second only to his game addiction.
