“Hártese como chucho”, the peculiar number that stimulated Mary’s business

A modest comedian in Tegucigalpa has economically devised a creative name that would attract all the comedians of the zone.

Honduran María Cantarero, mother soltera, with three hives, has started to recover economically in times of crisis due to the pandemic of covid-19, thanks to the idea of ​​his friend Pablo Espinal that the modest comedian who opened the pussier by the name “Hártese como chucho”.

In Honduras, deciding that alguien is “a dog (dog) for the heart”, because much, can have an affective connotation between friends and family, but the phrase can also be peorative, which he did not agree with Mary’s comedy.

As a result, María, lying that he had a bad time in his matrimony, when he was 20 years old, started looking for the way to save his life and maintain his three heights in the workings of the informal economy, in which there is no exit , following his relationship with Channel 3, Honduran television in Tegucigalpa.

Las cosas le iban mal a María, en el municipio de Tocoa, departamento de Colón, en el Caribe hondureño, por la misma crisis economique que vive su país, que fue agudizada des marzo de 2020 por la pandemia de covid-19 y dos tormentas tropics, in November.

The specific number of the store has attracted more customers. Photo / Illustrative and non-commercial character image /

The last decision Maria made was to mount a modest informal dresser on a Tocoa train, totally ventilated, so that Pablo could indicate that many customers would like to see the number “Hártese como chucho”.

A large wheel, with the length of a small chest of drawers, with the image in an extreme of an elegant suit of an elegant manner tasting a “baleada” (Honduran plateau) and a plate with the “baleadas” in the other, is sufficient for Maria’s negotiation begins with “chuchos” during the day and night.

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Transcendental and redevelopment of societies

Pablo says that if the curry is the number, by being a popular phrase among the Hondurans, and that the good is that the attraction draws to Mary, who dudo in the idea of ​​his friend, because for the series as “tell dogs to their customers ”.

Agrego that his idea is “part of the publicity” and that what the people can think of is not in a peyorative sense, he should not preoccupy Mary.

The Honduran entrepreneur commences the application of his heirs in order to change the coffin, for the things he has also known, that according to the relation of Mary, he has a friend, with whom he cooks and asks other things to ask the business, in it has a cup for no more customers “chuchos”.

Lots of customers, due to the covid-19 pandemic, including the committee for llevar.
Other attractions of the Maria comedian are the large portions of his plates, so that the “chuchos” of buen should be called “hartase”; and the cost, which is quite low.

The comedians he commenced to present each more than the comedian of Mary. Photo / Illustrative and non-commercial character image /

The comedor offers its customers plates for breakfast, lunch or dinner on the basis of fries, oats, aguacate, queso, mantequilla, arroz, plantains, fried foods, bananas, red and spaghetti bananas, among other foods, for which the menu is simple.

María indicates that she has some authority over Gobierno powder powder, increases the facility for a house, and that by no means, she is living in a friend of the Honduran mosquito, that she has burnt albergue.

Thank you to your friend Pablo, the comedian “Hártese como chucho”, who abrized one of these months, also has a massive diffusion in social speeches, with messages from residents of Tocoa inviting Hondurans to visit Tocoa, for tourism, and aprovechen para “hartarse como chuchos”.
