Harrison elected Biden’s DNC chairman

For state officials, many of whom still harbor resentment over the reduction of the DNC during Barack Obama’s administration, Harrison’s choice was a relief.

About 70 state party presidents and vice presidents sent a letter to Biden’s transition team in November listing, although he did not name him, a series of characteristics that all “matched Jaime’s resume and experience,” as one put it. .

The party leaders see Harrison as one of their own, a former chairman of the state committee that will lead a decentralized DNC and advocate for the plow of money to organize at the state level – they hope, how they managed the party under Obama.

Harrison’s choice was something of a foregone conclusion, with DNC members seeing him as the frontrunner for months and no viable challenger emerging.

His rise to the top of the DNC is a sign of the growing influence in the South in the Democratic Party, which is likely to expand further into the election in Georgia of the elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

But it is also a sign of the influence exerted Clyburn, a South Carolina congressman and the largest Biden ally who helped revive the president-elect’s 2020 campaign by endorsing him before his primary election.

Clyburn urged Harrison both in public and behind the scenes, among other things by talking to Biden about the position. Harrison was previously a staff member for Clyburn.

Biden and his team were extraordinarily close to the DNC during his presidential election, with staff members in both operations joining each other’s conference calls, and their respective leaderships regularly coordinating field troops and messages.

“Jaime will ensure that all 57 state parties and territories have the necessary funding to not only win elections, but also to build the infrastructure we need to organize throughout the year,” said Jane Kleeb, chairwoman of the Nebraska Democratic Party, said. “We can not afford to be a party that parachutes resources at the last minute.”

Tina Podlodowski, chairwoman of the Washington Democratic Party, said “we are all excited” about Harrison and as a former state party chairperson, he obviously understands the issues we have to deal with. ‘

DNC members will vote for their chairman and the other positions on an electronic ballot between January 18 and January 21 due to concerns about Covid-19. When Democrats win the White House, this vote is usually a formality that confirms the president-elect’s choices.

One of the challenges the party faces in the coming year is to raise money without President Donald Trump in office to mobilize donors. Harrison, what sen. Lindsey Graham (RS.C.) unsuccessfully challenged last year, working money for fundraising. During his senate, he brought in $ 131 million, a record for a candidate for the chamber.

However, some Democrats have questioned whether his ability to raise large sums of money while acting against a leading boogeyman on the left will contribute to fundraising for the DNC. Democrats will also face an uphill battle in the 2022 election, when the party that controls the White House usually suffers losses.

“Of course we want President Biden to help, but the House and Senate and the 2022 governorship games are going to be the DNC’s main focus,” said Carol Fowler, a longtime Democratic official in South Carolina near Harrison. recognizes the fundraising challenges for the party in power. Jamie can do it. He can get it done. Those of us who know him know that he will be an extraordinary leader, and he will focus on those races. ”
