Hansi Flick and director of Bayern in Munich

Munich, Germany /

Two leagues of Bayern munich, like me Lothar Matthäus y Stefan Effenberg, val saam met sign the rupture between the coach Hans-Dieter Flick and the director of sports Hasan Salihamidzic, a situation incompatible with obliges one of the two to march to the final of time.

“Tienen opinions are divergent, especially in those who refer to the plant, and believe that you are not recoverable, sus posiciones están demasiado alejadas “, written Matthew, Balloon of Gold in 1990 and more than 150 international weeks with Germany, in his column ‘Bavarian Inner Circle‘that publishes a diary in the Bild.

One of the two has to walk“, dijo por su parte Effenberg in its habitual collaboration with the T-online site, adding that “the club is moving to Movie hacia la salida “.

Public relations between public officials and the delictes of the German press. Movie have not hesitated to criticize the photo policy of Salihamidzic and to say that on the actual plant is “less good” that of the past tense, when conquisto the triplet, the second in the history of the Bavarian club.

The ultimate discrepancy, the decision of the sports director of no renewal of the contract of veteran defense Jérôme Boateng, contrary to the opinion of Movie, nee ha hecho más que echar leña al fuego.

The explosive situation led to the death of the club president, the former executor Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, to raise the voice to make it possible to enter into reason with both protagonists: “We want to close files, work with harmonious ways, loyal and professional. It is he who pedido, sin rodeos, a la dirección deportiva. It is what has always been distinct to Bavaria“, avisó.
