Hallan por prima vez en la historia hebras del lujoso tejido purpura con el que vestían a reyes de la Biblia

Remnants of stone walls with real purple have been found during archeological work in Israel. It dates back to 3,000 years, during the reign of David and Solomon.

The ink, which is produced from species of molluscs found in the Mediterranean, more than 300 kilometers from the Timna Valley, was produced by Hallazgo, is mentioned in the Bible and appears in various Jewish and Christian contexts.

This is the first time that textiles from the Iron Edd have been found in purple in Israel, or even in the Levant Sur. The hall is published in PLoS ONE.

“This is a very emotional and important discovery – explains the doctor Naama Sukenik, curator of organic hallazgos in the Israel Anti-Charity Authority-. It’s the first piece of tejido that it found in the era of David and Solomon that it has with the prestigious tint of purple “.

Part of the lana fibers with real purple found in the valley of Timna, Israel.  Photo: DPA

Part of the lana fibers with real purple found in the valley of Timna, Israel. Photo: DPA

The investigator finds that “in antiquity the purple robe is associated with the nobility, the sacredities and, by supuesto, the reality. The hermone tone of the purple, the hecho of which does not disappear and the difficulty of producing the ink, which is finds in reduced quantities in the body of the molluscs, the convertieron in the tent valued more than the menu ask more than the gold“.

And it turns out that “having the actual discovery, only we will find residues of molasses cones and cucumbers with ink sleeves, which are proportionate to the the industry of purple in the Iron Age. Now, for the first time, we will have direct tests of the ten thousand properties, preserved for 3,000 years “, celebrates.

The professor Erez Ben-Yosef, from the Department of Archeology of the Tel Aviv University, affirma that “the archeological expedition has been continuously excavating in Timna since 2013. As a result of the extremely extreme climate of the region, we can also recover organic materials such as textiles, sheets and sheets of the Edad de Hierro, of the era of David and Salom “When we propose a unique vision of life in biblical times. If we excavate during the last years in Jerusalem, we will not discover as many as 3,000 years”, reconoce.

El púrpura original's extra varieties of the moluscos del Mar Mediterráneo.

El púrpura original’s extra varieties of the moluscos del Mar Mediterráneo.

Recall that Timna was a cobra production center, the equivalent of the Iron Age of actual oil. The foundation of the cover requires advanced metallurgical knowledge that is a secret and those who possess these knowledge are the experts in “high technology” of the era.

And the Colina of the Slaves is the mayor’s foundation covering the valley and is a replica of mounts of industrial remains, like the escorts of the foundation horns. Exactly one of these mountains has three rows of colors. “The color we immediately called the attention“But at our own expense we will find that we have found a purple veil of an ancient age”, explains.

According to investigators, the purple purple (argaman) is produced from three species of autochthonous molluscs of the Mediterranean: the murex (Hexaplex trunculus), la Poirieria zelandica (Bolinus brandaris) y la Stramonita hemastoma.

In fact, the majority of studies coincide with those of the most beautiful inks, the purple (argaman) and the blue azure, the azure (tekhelet), are produced from the purple ink molecule with different conditions of exposure to light . These colors are mentioned in the juntos in the ancient sources, and both have a symbolic and religious significance up to the day of high. The Sacraments of the Temple, David and Solomon, and Jesus of Nazareth his descriptions as porters of purple color ropes.

The analytical tests carried out in the laboratories of the Bar Ilan University, together with the tints reconstructed by Professor Zohar Amar and the doctor Sukenik, allow to identify the species used to hold the Timna tejidos and the dead tones.

The ink is identified with an advanced analytical instrument (HPLC) indicating the presence of Unique ink molecules, originated exclusively in species of molluscs. According to the doctor Sukenik, “the majority of the colored tejidos found in Timna, and in the archeological investigation in general, are kept with various shades of vegetable origin that are easy to conceive and keep. The use of shades of animal origin is considered much more prestigious, and serves as an important indicator of high economic status and social user “.

The remnants of this purple teena that we found alone are the most ancient of Israel, the land of the meridian Levant in general -resalta-. We also believe that we have identified the double ink method in one of the fragments, in which we use two species of sophisticated molluscs to enrich the ink. This technology is description by the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, of the sail In our era, and the ink that production was considered the most prestigious “.

Professor Ben-Yosef identifies Timna Cobra Production Center as part of Edom Biblical Kingdom, which is limited to the kingdom of Israel by the sur. Segun él, the spectacular halls that will deberían revolutionize our concepts of the nomadic societies of the Edad de Hierro.

“The new hallazgos refurbish our supposition of having an elite in Timna, which certifies a stratified society. Moreover, given that the molasses are self-sufficient of the Mediterranean, it is evident that this society is mantle Commercial relations with other people que vivían en la llanura costera. Sondeverbod, geen tenemos constancia de ningún permanentententement en el territorio edomita “, recognized.

According to the record, “when we think about the nomads, we result in difficult libraries of the comparisons with the contemporary Bedouins and, therefore, our quests imagine reigns without magnificent palaces of stone or walled cities. Without embarrassment, in certain circumstances, the nomads also can create a complex socio-political structure, which the biblical scribes can identify as a kingdom “, asegura.

The investigator states that “all this discussion has repercussions on our Jerusalem repression in the same period. We know that the tribes of Israel were originally mentioned and that the process of assassination was done in progress. The archaeologists searched for the palace of rey david but it is possible that David does not express his wealth in splendid editions, being with objects more than a named herenica, as tejidos and artifacts “.

According to Ben-Yosef, “it is a mistake to assume that he did not find large editions and translations, entails the biblical descriptions of the United Monarchy in Jerusalem deben ser fiction fiction. Our new investigations in Timna have been demonstrated to us, including, in their editors’ speeches, in the region that governs complex societies, forms alliances and commercial relations, and engages in war. The richness of a company is mentioned in the media as it is not less valued in the ancient world, as the cobra produced in Timna and the purple ink that is traded with its cobble foundations “.
