Hallan has three assassinated children in an apartment in Los Angeles

By David K. Li and Dennis Romero – NBC News

The mother of three small children who were found with murdered hereditary children in an apartment in Los Angeles had left their custodian on Saturday in connection with the crime, said the police.

Liliana Carrillo, 30 years old, fue descripta como la “unica sospechosa” del assesinato, said the Department of Police of the Angels (LAPD, by its English flags).

La policía dijo que Carrillo había sido detenida in Ponderosa, California, a common montañosa of the Sierra Nevada and more than 200 millas of Los Ángeles.

The spokesman for the LAPD, Rosario Cervantes, said that Carrillo had not been arrested yet, and that Ben Fernandes described that the woman had shown “erratic behavior”.

Carrillo was receiving medical treatment for unspecified reasons, Dijo Cervantes at a press conference, while student Anthony Cato assured that other family members were being interviewed about the case.

No clear statement if Carrillo had a lawyer.

The sombrío descubrimiento de los tres niños muertos fue hecho por at 9:30 am at Reseda’s shop, of San Fernando Valley, starring David Bambrick in the NBC Los Angeles affiliate.

All the victims are under 5 years old, according to the police, who agree that Carrillo is seriously respected.

[Hallan con vida a familia mexicana desaparecida en Jalisco]

Minutes later, he named Carrillo as a “person of interest”, the Los Angeles police said the woman had a stolen car near Bakersfield, California, and that she was driving a Silver Toyota truck.
