Hallan a new species of reindeer 230 million years old

The new species of rhinoceros, is a quadruped animal and herbivore of three meters long that share habitat with the first dinosaurs - Credit: Dr.  Lucas E. Fiorelli
The new species of rhinoceros, is a quadruped animal and herbivore of three meters long that share habitat with the first dinosaurs – Credit: Dr. Lucas E. Fiorelli

Argentina follows the fertile earth for halls of prehistoric wide streets. This year, research hallaron una new species of rhinoceros, a cuadruped animal and herbivore from one to three meters long which shared with the first dinosaurs. The discovery takes place in the Talampaya National Park, in the center-west of the province of La Rioja.

A team of Argentine paleontologists to connect with Elorhynchus carrolli, a reptile herbivore that lived 230 million years ago. The number of this new species was given in homage and in memory of the biologist Eloisa Argarañaz, who participated in the campaigns in which this hall was produced.

The discovery took place during the formation of the Canaries, in La Rioja. The doctor Martín Ezcurra, one of the officers of the Paleontology Section of the Vertebrados of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences (MACN) and investigator of the CONICET, indicating the Agency CTyS-UNLaM that “find fragments of the crane of this new species, including premixes, maxillary and dentary, part of the sac, the first vertebrae of the cola and part of the frame”.

In June 2014, the campaign led by Fiorelli and Desojo, was accepted by the UNC's Department of Geology to study the common municipal letters and its coprolites (fecal material)
In June 2014, the campaign led by Fiorelli and Desojo, was accepted by the UNC’s Doctor of Geology to study the common municipal letters and its coprolites (fecal material material)

“The crane has one very specialized dentition composed of dentures and a peak in the hot spring that the powder has served to prevent the food from being processed, the difference between what succeeds in the great majority of reptiles”, Veral Ezcurra, author of the study recently published in the scientific journal Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. The ten rincosaurs tend to cut the cost of their body and the armor to the floor, shape looking at the lagartos overos that are currently alive. These animals are herbivores and have a parenthesis lizard with crocodiles and dinosaurs.

“The remaining hallmarks belong to individual variants, which were collected in various campaigns carried out in Talampaya during the last decade and part of the puddles we recognize that it is a new species”, commented the paleontologist Lucas Fiorelli of the Regional Center for Scientific Investigations and Technology Transfer of La Rioja (CRILAR-CONICET).

In this sense, the doctor Ezcurra states that “when the first fauna of dinosaurs appeared, the rhinosaurs were very abundant forms; de hecho, en el Valle de la Luna, en San Juan, donde se registraron algunos de los dinosaurios más antiguos que se conocen, los rincosaurios son los animales abundantes que había at ese momento ”.

Elhynchus carrolli, is a reptile herbivore that lives 230 million years and media up to 3 metro
Elhynchus carrolli, is a reptile herbivore that lives 230 million years and media up to 3 metro

“Enthusiasts are known as many reincarnation specimens in Argentina, but they all belong to a species that is called Hyperodapedon ischigualastensis and it was the only species known in our country now that we are known to Elorhynchus carrolli“The cual is the most ancient and the pods we distinguish between characteristic traits in its frame and in the first vertebrae of the cola,” said the MACN investigator.

Homenaje a Eloisa Argarañaz, “la Elo”

This new species is receiving its name from Eloisa Argarañaz, “the Elo”, who was a biologist at the National University of Córdoba (UNC) and, having completed his degree thesis, joined the team of Archosauriform Research Group. Eloisa participated in paleontological campaigns along with the CRILAR group of La Rioja and, since 2011, participated in various campaigns in Talampaya, where this new hall is produced.

In June 2014, the campaign led by Fiorelli and Desojo, was accepted by the UNC’s Doctor of Geology to study the common municipal letters and its coprolitos (material fecal fossil) of the Canadian Formation. For these days, I would also like to take part in a new campaign in Talampaya, following the surge of a complete failure due to the failure of the 6th of August this year. His teammates are the record as a good friend and a great professional, by the way I express that this mention of the new species in memory of “the Elo” is a simple but meaningful homage.

Since then, the team has been working on discovering - MACN and CONICET
Since then, the team has been working on discovering – MACN and CONICET

“The commencing collaboration will take place in CRILAR and will be incorporated very quickly into our work rhythm and as it is planned that it will continue with the paleontological investigation. And she’s very enthusiastic about the topic of the personal coprolits that we found in Talampaya, which is a very interesting topic, ”said Fiorelli. Y agregó: “Our company in the campaigns of 2011 and 2012 in the Canadian Training and with it in particular we find the remains of what is this new reincarnation series. His party had a great deal of pain for all of us and, so far, we have decided with all the team that this animal lives on its number, in honor of it, ”the CRILAR-CONICET investigator recorded.

The director of the ARG group, Julia B. Desojo, also expressed her concern to young lady Eloisa Argarañaz: “She was very proud, alegre e iba a ir al campo con nosotros en muy pocos días cuand le surgió esta enfermedad”, manifesto. Asimismo, the specific epithet of this new taxon, Elorhynchus carrolli, was born in memory of Dr. Robert Carroll, a paleontologist estadounidense failed in the year 2020 to cause COVID-19 and which is known for its work on anatomy and evolution antiguos, as well as other groups that live during the Permian and Triassic periods.

Talampaya: a new species for 22 years

This new species of rhinoceros will allow to know better the temperate evolution of this group in the north-eastern Argentina. ‘In particular, permite observar cómo the transition from the reincarnation of antiquities to the first dinosaurs is taking place hasta rincosaurios que llegaron a convivir con estos reptiles desde los 233 millons de anos hasta que se extinguieron hace unos 227 millone de aos ”, meniona el doctor Ezcurra.

All the team of investigators in La Rioja that participate in the discovery - MACN and CONICET
All the team of investigators in La Rioja that participate in the discovery – MACN and CONICET

‘N Su vez, This species helps us to establish the temporal correlations between the Canadian Formation and other formations of the world., mainly from the hemisphere on, for the Triassic, because this species is very similar to that of species in Brazil, Tanzania and India, the only indications are that these formations have similar approaches ”, aggregate.

Elorhynchus carrolli, in its vez, is the first species of new animal published for the Canadian Training in the last 22 years. The majority of the fueron species described between the decades of the 60s and 70s. Y, the fines of sail XX, the other fueron species are known to know this yacimiento. Además of the doctors Martín Ezcurra, Lucas Fiorelli and Julia B. Desojo, also participated in this publication in the journal Journal of Systematic Palaentology the doctor Jimena Trotteyn of the Department of Biology of the University of San Juan and of the CONICET and the doctor Agustín Martinelli of MACN and of CONICET.


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