Hallan 32 large groups are tax-free on the front

(CNN) – The United States Frontier Patrol has met with 32 large groups of migrants in the front of the front on October, in the midst of a new wave of minor leagues on the frontier, showing the agency’s proportionate data.

The number of large groups, which consists of 100 or more persons, increased from 10 groups in the fiscal year 2020, when the frontier crosses were drastically reduced by the start of the covid-19 pandemic, following the dates of the Office of Aduanas and Frontier protection. Pero the number of large groups is reduced in comparison with 2019 during the increase in migrants on the front. The dates are for the fiscal year beginning in October. It means that some of the big groups can have allegations during the Trump administration.

The officers of the Patrol Frontier were alerting the alarm this week about the increase in nineteen and migrant families crossing illegally to EE.UU .. During the week, the Biden administration intended to close the nines of the frontier installations below. test the remedies and apply to the minor incapacity in terms of treatment.

“We do not see a final”, tuiteó the mercoles the chief of the Patrol Fronteriza in the Valley of the Great River, agent Brian Hastings, «mean large groups siguen entrance».

In 2019 we will discover more large groups of migrants

However, the number of groups is very low due to the 213 large groups met in the fiscal year 2019, during the increase in migrants, taxed in large part by families in the countries of the North American Triangle: Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador .

También is approximately the average of the size of large groups in comparison with a similar period in 2019, when it is extended to 70 large groups.

At the moment, the secretariat of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, says that this crisis is causing “many minorities and families in extreme danger of being exploited by traffickers, traffickers, pandillas and other actors who are trying to kill expenses “.

These large groups include menus and families, who generally deal with frontier authorities and do not intend to avoid arrest.

The latest dates show the pressure that fronts the frontier staff and produces when the administration has a public relations discourse to explain its desires.

The Casa Blanca has held various informative conferences this week on the frontier situation and the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, starred in CBS ‘”This Morning” devoting himself to the migrants who did not come to the front.

I understand that a “station of the Frontier Patrol is not lying to a child”. And I agree that the Department of National Security is working with the Department of Health and Human Services “to provide rapid recovery”.
