Hallan 19 treadmills in a van north of Mexico | News Univision América Latina

The Fiscalía General de Justicia de Tamaulipas, Mexican state frontier with United States, informs that located 19 bodies calcined in various vehicles in the Santa Anita magazine, municipality of Camargo.

Witnesses consulted by the EFE agency insure that the victims are of Central American origin and that they are victims of a security case for members of a crime syndicate that operates in the zone.

The official text states that “on the 23rd of January, the authorities of the Secretariat of Public Security were alerted by a careful report that, in a breach of the Santa Anita newspaper, a burning vehicle was found”.

State police officers are being transferred to the warehouse, where localized vehicles will be located, as will the rest of the people.

“In one of the cabs of the cabs in the cabin, another hull at the cost of the pilot’s door, one more at the cost of the driver’s door and 15 in the vehicle compartment”, explained the tax communication state.

Police investigation and peritoneum police officers will be on hand to collect clues that will allow them to know the form in which they will be released, add the text.

“The first indigatories have established that death was provoked by fugitive army projects and then the fugue was taken,” the statement said.

The tax authorities said that during the inspections carried out at the moment no cascades were located in the zone, so that one of the lines had to be checked that the high power had been unloaded in a location close to the hall.

Dispute over territorial control

The testimonies collected by the EFE agency signal that the firefighters at the late entered a command of armed men of the Cartel del Noreste (CDN), the ancient Zetas, to search for a mandate of the rival group, the Cartel del Golfo (CDG), the organizational criminal who controls the Tamaulipas region.

After a search of the CDN’s stores located 19 people, presumably Guatemalans, who were assigned to this place and who were leaving in the limits with the new state of New Leon.

The CDG and the CDN have been embroiled in a dispute over control of Mexico’s northern states since March 2010, which has provoked more than 15,000 deaths and deaths since that time.

