Haitian excuse about Dominican sequel: “has committed a political feud”

The Haitian governor of the Dominican Republic, Edwin Paraison, stated that the case of the Dominican maidens that had taken place on Saturday in the country was “a political issue”.

He also appeared in an interview with Anibelca Rosario’s “More Search” program, in which the case of Maico Enrique and Antonio Gener Campusano Féliz was motivated by the dinner search.

“It’s a combination of things: we’ll catch three people and make money. Remember that this is the classic approach of the sequelers. “Well, now there is a political issue,” said the diplomat.

Explained that this was a mistake that the Haitian authorities attempted to extradite to the court of Puerto Príncipe, Ralph Youry Chevry, in the middle of the search for the Dominican girls.

It appears that this decision has led to speculations about the government that the Haitian government has been able to meet with many, who could potentially affect diplomatic relations between nations.

Without embarrassment, he expresses that this type of screenplay can take place for a short time, and that the final objective of the detectives is to cover the allowance paid by the prisoners, lamenting that these crimes are a reality of the Haitian day. .

“Negotiations for weeks can last a quarter of an hour because of the raptors or sequelers and the time needed for the families or the people involved, interested in the case, to meet the funds they need”, he said.

The sequel

The Dominican workers work as technicians in the producer of the Muska Group and the securitized mine regresses to the capital through a road in the south of the country, and is accompanied by a Haitian interpreter.

In agreement with Haiti’s press, the sequelers paid millions of dollars (RD $ 115,626,240) in exchange for their release in Puerto Príncipe.
