Hackers can clone Google Titan 2FA keys using a side channel in NXP slides

Hackers can clone Google Titan 2FA keys using a side channel in NXP slides


There is widespread consensus among security experts that physical two-factor authentication keys provide the most effective protection against account takeovers. Research published today does not change this, but it does show how malicious attackers with a Google Titan key can physically clone possession.

There are some steep obstacles you must solve for an attack to be successful. A hacker must first steal the account password of a target and also possess the secret key for up to ten hours in secret. The cloning also requires equipment up to $ 12,000, software and an advanced background in electrical engineering and cryptography. This means that the key cloning – should it ever happen in nature – is probably only done by a nation-state pursuing its targets with the highest value.

‘Nevertheless, this work shows that the Google Titan security key (or other affected products) would not be avoided [an] unmarked security breach by attackers who put enough effort into it, ”researchers from the security firm NinjaLab wrote in a research article published on Thursday. “Users who have such a threat should probably switch to other FIDO U2F hardware security keys, where no vulnerability has yet been discovered.”

The 2FA gold standard

Two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is a method that makes taking over accounts much more difficult to achieve. Instead of using only a password to prove that someone is authorized to access an account, 2FA requires a second factor, such as a one-time password, possession of a physical object, or a fingerprint or other biometrics.

Physical keys are among the – if not the—Safe forms of 2FA because it stores the long-term secret that makes them work internally and only values ​​that cannot be reused. The secret is also impossible to phish out. Physical keys are also more convenient as they work on all major operating systems and hardware.

The Titan vulnerability is one of the only vulnerabilities ever found in a mainstream 2FA key. In all likelihood, a successful real-world exploitation will completely undermine the security insurance offered by the thumb-sized devices. The NinjaLab researchers are quick to point out that, despite the vulnerability, it is still safer to use a Titan security key or other affected authentication device to log in to accounts than not.

Attack of the clones

The cloning works by using a hot air gun and a scalpel to remove the plastic wrench and expose the NXP A700X chip, which serves as a secure element that preserves the cryptographic secrets. Next, an attacker connects the chip to hardware and software that takes measurements as it is registered to work with a new account. Once the measurement is complete, the attacker seals the chip in a new casing and returns it to the victim.

The extraction of the chip and later re-sealing it takes about four hours. It takes another six hours to take measurements for each account the attacker wants to hack. In other words, the process takes 10 hours to clone the key for a single account, 16 hours to clone a key for two accounts, and 22 hours for three accounts.

By observing the local electromagnetic radiation while the chip generates digital signatures, the researchers exploit a vulnerability of the side channels in the NXP chip. The exploitation allows an attacker to gain the long-term
elliptical curve digital signal algorithm private key assigned to a given account. With the crypto key in hand, the attacker can then create her own key that will work for each account she has targeted.

Paul Kocher, an independent cryptography expert with no involvement in the research, said that while the real risk of the attack is low, the discovery of the side channel is nonetheless important given the class of users – dissidents, lawyers, journalists and other high-value targets – which rely on it and the attacks will improve over time.

“The work is notable because it is a successful attack on a well-hardened target designed for high-security applications, and that it clearly violates the safety features of the product,” he wrote in an email. ” A true adversary may be able to refine the attack (eg shortening the data collection time and / or removing the need to physically open the device). For example, the attack could be extended to a sign left in a hotel gym locker. ‘

Do the impossible

Indeed, the Google Titan, like other security keys using the FIDO U2F standard, is supposed to make it impossible to transfer cryptographic keys and signatures of the device, as the NinjaLab researchers noted:

As we have seen, the FIDO U2F protocol is very simple. The only way to communicate with the U2F device is through registration or authentication requests. The registration phase will generate a new ECDSA key pair and execute the public key. The verification will mainly perform an ECDSA signature operation where we can select the import message and get the export signature.

So, even for a legitimate user, there is no way to know the ECDSA secret key of a given application account. This is a limitation of the protocol that is made for example [it] impossible to transfer the user credentials from one security key to another. If a user wants to switch to a new hardware security key, a new registration phase must be done for each application account. This will create new ECDSA key pairs and recall the old ones.

This limitation in functionality is a strength from a security point of view: by design it is not possible to create a clone. On top of that, it’s an obstacle to reverse engineering on the side. With the secret key having no control at all, it is hardly possible to understand the details of a highly secure implementation (let alone attack). We will need to find a solution to study implementation security in a more comfortable environment.

Risk assessment

Despite describing a way to compromise the security of a key that Google sells, the research will not receive a payment under Google’s bug bounty program, which offers rewards to hackers who make mistakes in Google discover products or services and report them privately to the company. A Google spokesman said attacks that required physical possession were outside the scope of the company’s security model. She also noted how difficult and costly it is to carry out an attack.

While the researchers made their attack on the Google Titan, they believe that other hardware that the A700X, or chips based on the A700X, may also be vulnerable. If true, this would include Yubico’s YubiKey NEO and several 2FA keys made by Feitian.

Ashton Miller, spokesman for Yubico, said in an email that the company is aware of the research and believes its findings are accurate. “While the researchers note that access to physical devices, expensive equipment, software and technical skills is required for this type of attack, Yubico recommends accessing a lost, stolen or misplaced YubiKey NEO to reduce risk,” he said. she wrote.

Representatives of chipmaker NXP and Feitian were not immediately available for comment.

One countermeasure that can partially mitigate the attack is that service providers offering key-based 2FA use a feature baked into the U2F standard, which counts the number of interactions a key had with the provider’s servers. . If a key reports a number that does not match what is stored on the server, the provider will have good reason to believe that the key is a clone. A Google spokesman said the company had this feature.

The research – from co-founders of Ninjalab, Victor Lomné and Thomas Roche in Montpellier, France – is impressive, and over time it is likely to lead to the vulnerability of the side channel. Meanwhile, the vast majority of people who use an affected key should continue to do so, or at most switch to a key without known vulnerabilities. The worst outcome from this research would be that people would completely stop using physical security keys.
