Hacienda y Banxico presents a program to support migrants and give them more value in meals

A series of video publications on Twitter, the secretary of Arturo Herrera, presenting the program for para-en-de-remasas (Video: Twitter @ArturoHerrera_G)

La Secretariat de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP), el Bank of Mexico, la National Banking and Valuation Commission (CNBV), el Banco del Bienestar and the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) presents a program that solves the problem of effective remittance changes that affect the migrant population and their families, weakening the banking system and Banxico’s autonomy.

Through social speeches, Arturo Herrera Gutiérrez, titled SHCP, details the capability of dollars for banks coming from: frontier zones, gates and airports, as well as tourist centers. In agreement with the employee’s explanation, five municipalities report the number (45%) of the bank’s division divided.

Following the division in a press release, the strategy consist of bancarizing the migrant persons of Mexican nationality in the United States has families in Mexico working for the Banco del Bienestar.

To log in, get it done access to accounts for migrants and their beneficiaries for bank transfers between both nations. Asimismo, send resources to traverses and liquidations of Banco del Bienestar; ultimately, the purchase of dollars effectively migrates to migrants and their families with an account in this bank.

Cómo abrir desde EEUU una cuenta en el Banco de Bienestar

Mexican migrants can be transferred to a bank in the Bienestar Bank (Photo: Banco del Bienestar)
Mexican migrants can be transferred to a bank in the Bienestar Bank (Photo: Banco del Bienestar)

– The migrant must present the register with the passport dispatched by the Secretariat of External Relations (SRE) at the time of realizing the trauma.

– The account may be processed in a remote manner, from the United States.

– To receive information about how to open your account and the benefit of it, the migrant person can help to the Financial Assessment (VAF) Ventilators of the EEUU Distributed Consulates. También can receive, through the VAF, its corresponding international debit cards.

There are puppies, mediating this program, the Mexicans in EEUU and their families tendrán access to the reception of remesas in mexico traversed 2,393 points of attention, between Banco del Bienestar’s sugar companies, popular finance companies and cooperatives of ahorro and prestamo, as well as Telecomm’s correspondents.

Accord with the SHCP, and the dollar cap on provincial banks from: frontier zones, ports and airports and tourist centers (Photo: Reuters / Mohamed Abd El Ghany)
Accord with the SHCP, and the dollar cap on provincial banks from: frontier zones, ports and airports and tourist centers (Photo: Reuters / Mohamed Abd El Ghany)

It passed December 10, the Senate promotion a reform controversy in the Ley del Banco de México in matter of captioning of foreign divisions, which would undermine the autonomy of the central mexican bank, in agreement with the proprietary institution.

The motion that was sent to the Chamber of Deputies for its discussion and, in its case, approval, states that the months that you can not repatriate to your country of origin will be sold by the Bank of Mexico to pass on form part of the international reserves del país.

Ricardo Monreal, Senator by Movement Regeneración Nacional (Morena), has called for the defense initiative to be reformed, arguing that “does not impose any obligation on Banxico“It is not necessary to modify its operational functions or to promote the realization of high-risk active operations that could compromise the availability of international assets in reserve and to complement the constitutional mandate of preserving the value of the national currency.” signed by the legislator.

The program planted by the financial authorities allows the migrants and their families not to be affected by the type of change of divisions (Foto: Reuters / Carlos Jasso)
The program planted by the financial authorities allows the migrants and their families not to be affected by the type of change of the divisions (Foto: Reuters / Carlos Jasso)

However, the financial authorities of the country are pushing to work in a alternative to dicha reform, detailing the following actions for the benefit of migrants and their families:

Access to accounts payable for migrant workers in remote areas, trades credit institutions and electronic payment funds, to receive electronic rebates on the same type as the one applicable to credit and debit card charges.

Creation of a web site and application developed by the Bank of Mexico, which will allow migrants to connect their financial products to their premises and search for canyon divisions, as well as the location of the most successful sugar companies.

Reimbursement of exchange operations in bank insurance located in transport modules for migrant persons for the temporary international transport of particular vehicles.

Ricardo Monreal, Morena Senator, Introduces Ley Banxico Reform Initiative (Photo: Reuters / Jose Luis Gonzalez)
Ricardo Monreal, Morena Senator, Introduces Ley Banxico Reform Initiative (Photo: Reuters / Jose Luis Gonzalez)

Atención is especially a person like migrants in financial institutions.

Sale of prepaid cards denominated in weights, issued by banks, for persons entering national territory.

The migration of migrant persons is carried out on the basis of the regulatory conditions of the SHCP and the CNBV, with a data base created by Banxico.

Amplification of the list of municipalities to receive effective dollars for purchase operations, deposit receipt, receipt of payments for goods or services, and transfers or fund situation.

Banxico brindará vergemaklik ‘n financial institutions that have problems with repatriation divisions in effect.


Recall with Ley Monreal: Banxico’s autonomy changes are being discussed in February and months of analysis

The Senate approves a polemic reform on division capitulation; Banxico advises that violet be autonomous

Banco Azteca series the most benefited by the reforms of the Bank of Mexico
