Hacienda presents an IRS the borrower of the new check distribution plan of $ 600

The secretary of Hacienda Department, Francisco Parés, confirm that this agency presents the Internal Revenue Service (IRS, by its English terms) of the United States, the check of the $ 600 distribution plan check for the majority of citizens who include the new federal economic estimate .

“Acabamos de radicar ante el @IRSnews the borrower of the Distribution Plan of the 2nd round of Economic Impact Pagons ”, the employee’s support for his Twitter account.

It was explained that the borrower will be audited by the IRS and will, subsequently, be evaluated by the Department of Treasury of the United States.

As soon as Hacienda receives the plan approval, the official will also work on the red social network that “The key will be fast the @USTreasury we approve the Distribution Plan ”. “For the first time it took 36 days to read the Ley CARES company report, a record comparing the time it agreed to other programs in previous quarters”, añadió.

The President Donald Trump firm anoche the economic estimate project which also includes the allocations for the remainder of the fiscal year 2021 and will provide $ 300 additional monthly fees per sample.

If you see the checks, you should receive the $ 600 amount for Trump, Trump’s value for $ 2,000.
