Habrá disabasto intermittente de medicina si los cases covid no bajan

Toluca /

Continue with the accelerated increase in positive cases to covid-19 there may be a retreat in the distribution of medicines for their treatment, since the laboratories assembling their continuous manufacturing work, the demand has been growing exponentially since the November finals.

The President of the National Union of Pharmacists (Unefarm), Juvenal Becerra, informs that since the finals of November, the small pharmacies are located at different points of the entity and the City of Mexico he registered a point in his sales, mainly in that he refers to medicines for the attention of covid-19.

Ahorita sí hay un abasto correcto, we have the most intermittent disasters in what is now April, May and June, today the laboratories are more prepared; we hope that the point of contagios baje because also has a limit for the laboratories on the theme of production ”.

Continue the accelerated increments, both in the number of positive cases as in the hospitalized, increased, is the risk of existing mediators, newly, intermittent disasters, delivery in those medicines with mayors Consumption index during this pandemic.

  • Indicates that between the products with a mayor asks to find the oseltamivir, azithromycin, paracetamol, ceftriaxone, vitamins C and D, enoxaparina, among other drugs that he employed in the various treatments to attack covid-19, which sumen products such as antibacterial gel, cubrebocas, liquid soap for men and other personal hygiene products.

Score that the advance of the pandemic, representatives of this association meet simultaneously with the distinguished laboratories, distributors and with the pharmaceuticals, at the end of which the medicines, mainly those focused on the attention of covid-19 no tengan missing.

For the case of the State of Mexico, indicate, the municipalities that registered an important report in the sale of these medicines son: Los Reyes la Paz, Chalco, Nezahualcóyotl, Ecatepec y el Valle de Toluca.

“We have greatly increased the work in pharmacies, from November to the weekend, derived from this point in the strength of covid, we follow with all the protective media, with the staff in the counter, with a point in the sale of medicines” .

