Habló el ex-CEO of Facebook Australia called the decision of the notice: “For Mark Zuckerberg’s treaty of money and power”


Facebook conductor Stephen Scheeler, critic of Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to release notice in Australia, while alentó a los ciudadanos de ese país a eliminar la aplicación as a protest.

Australia’s most controversial company in Australia prohibition that lean and shared users use in response to the first world war that obliges the technological giants to pay the media companies for the content that is used.

From these games, Australians who are accustomed to believing in Facebook comments will start to see one message that it has no publications available. Including the international bulletin fueron occultas.

The ABC News Facebook page in a slate in Canberra, Australia, on February 18, 2021. Image AAP / Lukas Coch / via REUTERS
The ABC News Facebook page in a slate in Canberra, Australia, on February 18, 2021. Image AAP / Lukas Coch / via REUTERS

Scheeler, former chief executive of Facebook Australia and New Zealand, said Facebook’s controversial move “Se ve y se siente feo” and critic of the real CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.

‘No debería haber sucedido. But lamentably lo hizo. Pero no hay buenas respuestas. If you are Rio Tinto (mining company) and exploit a sagacious aboriginal site, hay consequences, the people pierced their works. Pero en Facebook nadie pierde su trabajo ”, declared in the media The Australian.

“I’m an ex-Facebook fan, but with those of me I’ve had more time before. Voorsien Facebook en Mark is treated like a diner and the power, and no good”, Afirmó.

Scheeler, who joined Facebook in 2017, asked Australians to eliminate the application to show off their business dealings.

An illustrative image shows the sign of a telephone with the logo
An illustrative image shows the painting of a telephone with the “Facebook” logo and Australian periodicals in Canberra, Australia, on 18 February 2021. Image AAP / Lukas Coch / via REUTERS

The empresario teme that the medida can provoke a increase of the “fopnuus” (false notes) and platform misinformation.

“Go to Facebook in any way, but if you want an obvious example of why Facebook needs more regulation, this is one”, dijo.

Scheeler, who is currently working on his own consulting firm, ensure that Facebook is now the most powerful of the world’s most important goblins.

No hay urns made the voice of the market Zuckerberg. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Facebook aint for me either.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.  REUTERS / Erin Scott
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. REUTERS / Erin Scott

Through a communication, The social network explained that the decision was made that Australians could not share the news or allow other users of the world to share articles with Australian editors..

The CEO of Facebook Australia and New Zealand, William Easton, manifested that “The law proposes to fundamentally misinterpret the relationship between our platform and the editors that it uses to share content”.

Aseguró que el Gobierno australiano los dejó frente a una “Durable” election between “compile with one that ignores the realities of this relationship, or allow content in our Australian services” and that “with the apesadumbrado courage” is inclined by the second option.

Facebook insists that Australian editors benefit from sharing their stories on the platform.


Facebook is aware of the notice in Australia and represalia a una iniciativa legislativa
