Gwyneth Paltrow presents his vibrator while sucking the world with velor to his vagina (Video) – Diario La Tribuna

While browsing the internet this year with the launch of a bike with oil in its vagina, Gwyneth Paltrow flew to the door of the shop of its Goop watch brand, just in time for San Valentín.

The actress was announced at the official site of her company the launch of her first sexual placement massage, which has been rapidly gaining traction in social media.

Available from this February 14th, the $ 95 double car vibrator presents a “marvelous ball variety with deep vibrations and rebounds for external estimation in an extreme and powerful vibration and precise for clitoral estimation”.

Following the description of the portal, each part of the device, designed by the Oscar owner during the pandemic, also offers different patterns of pulsations.

The massager is water resistant, which can be used in the bath or shower. It has a rechargeable battery and comes with a discreet flash drive and a ball.

Silicone suech is similar to the texture of sediment and phthalate and latex free, this jugete “was so deservedly designed” that the company, in its position, made sure that it was designed for the eye.

“It’s something that happens in your month of night as a functional art object,” Goop explains.

This vibrator is the ultimate guinea pig in the sexual femininity of the Paltrow brand, which for a long time has been kept as an objective to eliminate the aggression that surrounds female sexuality.

Last year, the actress included her own original series with Netflix, The Goop Lab, where she debated the controversial issues: “This Smells Like My Vagina” and “This Smells Like My Orgasm”, $ 75 each. (eldiariodeny)
