Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Gustavo Boquín, Member of the Honduras Strategic Inversion Intervention Commission (Belê-H), is located in a clinic of the capital debited to complications of product health of covid-19.
This Saturday it is known that Boquín will be transferred in the next hours to Mexico To receive the best medical assistance, you can have more than one week to deal with the virus in your body. At the moment it has not been confirmed exactly the state of health of the intervener Gustavo Boquín.
Puede leather: Honduras register 164,077 positive cases of covid-19
In July 2020, Boquín joined José Leva Bulnes and José Alberto Benítez were appointed by the Gobierno to comply with a Commission and to close and close the mobile hospitals that Honduras has acquired in the case of 48 million dollars when Marco Bográn was the investor -H, without embarrassment, in case of a pandemic of the covid-19 of Honduras, the interveners have not been able to work, which has generated multiple complaints from various sectors of society.
Of the seven mobile hospitals, San Pedro Sula is the one that operates in its entirety, while the Tegucigalpa is not in full working order. Thus, the cities of Danlí, Juticalpa, Santa Rosa de Copán, Choluteca and La Ceiba, themselves hoping to complete the installation.