Gullit Peña recognizes that dueling is labeled as a simple alcoholic

The Mexican midfielder makes sure that, despite his known problems with alcohol, he never touches anything

The Mexican Midfielder Carlos ‘Gullit’ Peña recognition that duele la imagen que tienen de él national aficionados, to signal that the last one is considered alcoholic, an aspect that has changed his professional career.

“It’s true that I’m very good, it’s been difficult for my staff in the sense that there are many criticisms of me and my goodness,” he said. Gullit Peña. “Yo la verdad est acostumbrado a eso, no le tengo miedo ni temor a las kriticas, si le tuviera miedo o temor a eso estaría encerrado en mi casa y ya me hubiera retirado del fútbol.

“A lot of people are critical and judicious and signalless to actually know the person or person who has passed away, from whom I have always drunk alcohol, but if you look for Youtube o todas las imagenes han han salido de mí yo creo que never before have I seen a photo of myself taking an alcoholic baby“.

In an interview with ESPN, the executor of León assured that Independentemente of what is diga of he does not have a photo suya in the communication media where must be shown in inconvenient state.

“I’m sure it’s a picture of the hay and it’s been seen, but it’s a juzgan y kritikus y me señalan con el dedo par esconder a veces sus problemas propios “, dijo.” Pero yo estoy acostumbrado a eso, I have no relationship with anyone and I am very good at it personally, my mental health has always been very strong, always be good to the lad of people who love me, the people who love me always the one who holds me and my lad is the most important “.

In the same way, it’s perfect and unacceptable that in his career he made many mistakes and made sure that the person is most interested in his professional life than what he has inside the game field.

‘As always he said I’m not a robot, I’m a human being that he’s made a lot of mistakes like any other person, it’s a reality that, if he’s made mistakes, he’s always there for the car to rewind his mistakes, expressed the actual judge of the FAS of El Salvador. “I’m always looking for adelante as you say a lot of support for agitating a lot of critics and not just being part of it, each person has their own personality”.

Gullit Peña, who in his career stayed a bicampaonato with Leon, expuso that “the critics, apuntan and señalan, a veces are most interested in me than in the one of them different, but not related to the problem, live I live congratulations a Dios Hago lo que me gusta, trabajo en lo que me gusta, Tengo a persona que me aman cerca de mí y la verdad es que no puedo pedir más, estoy sano y sigo para adelante siempre “.
