Guinean skeptic over government-backed Ebola outbreak Coronavirus pandemic News

Gouecke, Guinea – Guinean authorities are running a race to curb the spread of an Ebola outbreak after several deadly infections were detected in the southern region of the country last week.

The West African country declared an Ebola epidemic on February 14, two weeks after the patients attended the funeral of a nurse in the city of Gouecke and later showed symptoms of the disease, including fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

Among the confirmed and suspicious cases – the nurse, five of her family members and a traditional healer she consulted – five died and two are currently being treated in isolation.

Despite a ban on the gathering of more than five people, including weddings and weekly markets, people in Gouecke appeared skeptical about government regulations and the revival of a disease that killed about 2,500 Guineans during an earlier epidemic that broke out between 2014 and 2016 tore through West Africa. .

“We are not scared and we are not worried,” Paul Lamah said. He was one of the residents who challenged the ban and showed up at Gouecke’s weekly market on Saturday.

“We know that God is with us. If authorities want to lie to get their partners’ money [aid organisations], they should not say it. But as far as we are concerned, there is no Ebola. ”

Fatoumata Diabate, a seller of red oil from N’Zerekore, acknowledged his sentiment, saying the childbirth measures announced by the government pose a threat to people already struggling to survive.

‘Our men completed their studies but did not get a job. We are responsible for our families, that’s why we came to sell products, to get something to eat, ‘said Diabate at the market.

‘We need to stop getting tired of this Ebola outbreak. Moreover, we do not believe in this disease. These are just rumors because we have never seen a patient or anyone who has died from this disease. ‘

Community involvement ‘vital’

Against this background, Guinean authorities, in partnership with international experts, are trying to determine the full extent of the outbreak.

Efforts include locating people who may have come in contact with Ebola patients to monitor their health and stop the distribution chain. Security forces have also set up checkpoints to take the temperature and isolate those who appear ill.

Neighboring countries are also very much ready to avoid a repeat of the previous outbreak that killed more than 11,300 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Authorities in Sierra Leone have deployed workers to access points across its border with Guinea to assist border patrols and health workers, while Liberia is increasing its threat level and “increasing surveillance and preventive activities”.

A resurgence of Ebola could paralyze the already strained health care systems of the countries in the region at a time when they are also fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Health experts stress that disclosing good and clear information about health education is key at the start of an Ebola response, but in Gouecke some residents have argued that the seemingly confusing messages played a role in people’s unwillingness to listen. comply with government regulations.

“Why do they want to stop the market when kids are still in school, three or four sitting on the same couch all week,” said Foromo, a Gouecke resident.

A prefecture official spoke on condition of anonymity and told Al Jazeera the authorities were considering sending in security forces to enforce the ban, but ultimately decided against the move.

The source said that an important factor in the decision was the fear of an increase in tension and possible clashes between security forces and market goers, something that happened in 2014.

This was confirmed by a commander in the gendarmerie who said that security forces had not been instructed to enforce the ban.

“Community involvement is particularly important,” said Anja Wolz, the Ebola emergency coordinator, overseeing the response of MSF, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). ‘You need to invest time and energy to speak to and listen to the communities in the areas concerned. You need to adjust the response according to what they say, and you need to adjust it to the risks of Ebola. It should be a two-way conversation. ‘

Listening to local residents is also the key to the success of launching a successful vaccination campaign to combat the hemorrhagic fever epidemic, experts say, citing the current existence of Ebola vaccines as one of the key differences from the last outbreak.

The expected arrival in the country of about 11,000 doses of the vaccine developed by Merck has been delayed due to the bad weather on Sunday, and vaccinations now start on Tuesday instead of Monday.

But even then, authorities fear that the local population will not be able to sign up for the vaccination program.

‘People do not want to believe [in Ebola] and associate the disease with something else. “Nobody is planning to take the vaccines,” a department official told local media.

“The citizens do not want to hear from us, and that worries us about the vaccination.”

Health Minister Remy Lamah, a native of Gouecke, arrived in his hometown on Saturday to convince people of the merits of taking the vaccine, the source said.

“It’s all coming back to community involvement,” MSF’s Wolz said. ‘We’ve seen it many times in the past. If a community feels involved, heard and empowered, an Ebola response is likely to go well, with or without vaccinations. But if a community feels sidelined, becomes unheard of, and becomes nervous or distrustful, an Ebola response is likely to experience multiple problems, with or without vaccinations.

Konate reported by Gouecke and Ramy Allahoum from Doha
