Guinart, United States, Republic of Canada

The family Fernandez be happy with the next leg of Cayetana, the first of Camila Fernández and his wife Francisco Barba, quienes a principios de februero anunciaron que se convertirían en padres.

Tras this notice, so much Alejandro Fernández como America Guinart, padres de la joven, han expresado su felicidad por convertirse en padres; but also his preoccupation with the salvation of his wife. And that’s an interview for the Ventaneando program, the example of Potrillo habló de las complications that Camila has been holding for months of gestation.

“If there is a placental abruption, if there is a hematoma, then the wine that holds the placenta down and the bronchus with Cami is also known to have 8 feet in the vesicle that he caused much pain”, dijo a las cámaras.

Camila Fernández and his wife

Ve: America Guinart Reveals Como After Divorce Of ‘Potrillo’

These health problems are obligatory as well as the permanent rest during some weeks, both in the ones that last, Vicente Fernández y doña Cuquita estuvieron muy al pendiente de ella: “My mother Cuca lost various babies, she’s the one who knows perfectly well what she is”, Guinart account.

America also received the news that it received the notice that it was being converted into Abuela, and practically confirmed the rumors that Camila was involved in the case: “Llegó Cami de Luna de Miel y me trajo un regalo. The abridgment and we are the proof of embarrassment and a paper that says: ‘Vas a hacer la mejor abuela del mundo’ ”.

Now there are counting days for the legacy of his first child and he is so involved with his wife’s embarrassment that he has a special form of calling the baby: “Ya tienen nombre, Cayetana, yo le digo Tana ”, dijo. In addition to confirming that although she has the number that the baby is alive, he hopes that he will reveal it, but Alejandro who is adelanto and commits an indiscretion.

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