Guillermo Ochoa responded to Omar Bravo with a trolled epic

Mexico City /

Take revenge immediately! Guillermo Ochoa, portero del America, approved the goal from 3-0 on Chivas to respond to Omar Bravo with a troll in his social speeches.

The Saturday, the Exdelantero if you want to upload an image in what appears front to Ochoa accompanied by the song “Pies a cabeza”, accompanied by the phrase “” Here are the words of a classic … (The obvious role) ¡¡Feliz Sábado !! “, something that does not go a long way in cancer cancer.

One time the encounter was finalized, Ochoa shared on Instagram a story in which he read: “This song is my favorite” with the song “Fiesta en América” ​​de fondo.

Roger Martínez celebrates

Although it is not possible to find an optimal level, Roger Martínez put together the “Id3ntidad” phrase with the azulcrema team celebrating in the locker room, which was reconciled by his teammates.
