Guayaquil presents request to request vacancies against COVID-19 | Community | Guayaquil

Días atrás, the MSP socializes the steps that should follow the governing autonomous decentralized.

The Municipality of Guayaquil has filed a legal appeal against the Ministry of Public Health and Pharmaceuticals in connection with the public-private initiative to purchase vehicles against COVID-19.

The Guayaquil Alcaldesa, Cynthia Viteri, was arrested at around 10:00 a.m. at the Florida Judicial Complex, located north of the city.

“It’s the first time that a small town of a Latin American country demands a transnational one, the hiccups abused by the sale of vacancies to a local governor and being at odds with life and health,” the spokesman explained.

The site contains dozens of people, including municipal workers, barrier leaders and citizens of municipal projects involving vulnerable groups such as major adults, people with disabilities, among others.

Días atrás, the Ministry of Health informs about the three steps that will be followed by the cabildos in case of requiring the purchase of munitions directly with the laboratories. You are a solicitor formal MSP, with an official card issued by the producer (pharmaceutical / laboratory) in which the type of vaccine and availability is established, to continue with the debit approval of the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Vigilance Sanitaria (Arcsa).

COVID-19: Guayaquil acquires AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Sinovac vehicles

Ministry of Public Health responds to municipalities to buy vacancies against COVID-19 must complete national and international requirements

It also deals with the conditions under which vacancies must be approved by the World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the vacancies free for the public.

Through the socialization of these steps, the alcaldesa Viteri qualifies that it is a time loss and is considered that water “paralyzes the process of acquiring vacancies”, because the latter has presented the web page and solicitation companies of the Guayaquilians the vacancies ”.

Hi, Viteri acotó that it passes the 100,000 companies in the #Liberenlasvacunas campaign and that there are only people who can access the munitions to avoid entering COVID-19.

The company with the support of the private company is looking for the purchase of two million doses for inoculating one million people.

“Guayaquil has always been the only one, Guayaquil has no help, no matter what the day goes by … no interferences, no haces, dejen haces, siguen sumando muertos a sus espaldas”, signaled Viteri the last Monday, during an event. (I)
