Guatemala prepares to contain caravan of Honduras

Guatemala City.

El Gobierno de Guatemala asseguró este martes que parara et strategic strategic plan ante el tentativo arribo al país la proxima semana de unne nuva migrant caravans procedure of Honduras and what is directed to United States en busca del sueño americano.

The Guatemalteco Institute for Migration informs a press release that the plan is looking for “content, control, attention and humanitarian assistance” of the caravan, cuya fecha de llegada seria approximadamente el January 15, dand agree with the authorities.

The migration entity is subverted by the people who can enter the country’s procedures Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua are required to present a PCR test o negative antigen of covid-19 y un passport o identity document vigente.

“The people who do not present itwith migrant requisites no serán admitidos “, added by the Institut Guatemalteco de Migration. Las authorities signal that buscan promote “a regular migration, order and security “, congratulated the communicator.

Insecurity, pandemic and unemployment shortage

The principles of October passed, varias caravan compuestas por entre 2,000 and 3,000 migrants salieron de Honduras with rumbo a United States, but a large percentage of fueron detenidos in Guatemala for the security forces y devueltos a su país.

Passed December, another group of Honduran centenarians organized a new caravan with destination to EEUU from San Pedro Sula, in the north of Honduras, teaching the staff shortage tras los devastadores daños que dejaron las tropical torments Eta and Iota.

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Prohibition of probes, los migrantes se disperse by the guatemaltec territory and in some cases also fueron returned to his native country.

Loare Hondurans what intentional salir af caravan with the idea of ​​reading to United States arguing that he was abandoning his territory by the violent violence‘n falta de empleo, flagellos that he was agitated by the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic and the meteorological phenomena as Eta and Iota.

One of the more multidisciplinary caravans will be the first of its kind on October 13, 2018 with more than 4,000 people. EFE
