Grupo Zona Centro: La lucha rumbo al liderato entre Olimpia y Motagua ¿qué juegos les restan? – Diez

Olympia y Motagua do not be dragged in your mouth by the leader of the group of the Zone Center in the Clausura-2021. Blanks and azules are the only ones that play their respective games in the last turn of the tournament.

VER MÁS: Review the calendar and what remains of Clausura-2021

This triumph has to be followed by palm to palm to culminate as leader of his team, there are three failures to the end of the regular rounds. Cabe distacar that between them tienen that play the capital classic.

Whoever touches in the game games, will be the one who frees the truck for the other. Motagua fuera líder, sin embargo, cedió dos empates ante Real Society y Real de Minas, games that can be controlled by the Diego Vázquez.

– The route taken by the leader –

As explained, both clubs have the rest of the new points to culminate in their participation in the flights, between them, the classic Olimpia-Motagua, with close by resolver.

The other parties that al Olympia le quedan pendientes son el del Platense of the next weekend the weddings 21st of April and the last ante an alicaído Marathon, del proximimo fin de semana. Ambos will be at home.

For its part the azules tendrane that travel up to La Ceiba to play front to CDS Vida on the week of the week of mediation, to culminate the next week of the week also when visiting, this time Puerto Cortés ante el Platense.
