The dark cloud that hangs over Grey’s Anatomy threatened bigger and darker in the delivery of Thursday. How could it not, what with DeLuca no more rounds, Meredith lingers in the limbo between life and death, and oh yes, that whole soul-sucking global pandemic thing too. But in a happier way – hear, we take what we can get! – we got another look at Derek, as well as a new booze match thanks to Jackson, Jo and Link. Read on, and I’ll (hic) tell you all about it.
‘LOCK THE DOOR OUT’ | When ‘It’s All Too Much’ started, did our protagonists fall from their loss while Owen packed up DeLuca’s box office while Catherine Richard comforted, and Teddy came face to face with the deceased? No, it was actually Cormac. “We need really good news,” she told an unconscious Meredith. Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds – d’oh! Derek’s limbo beach. Because you know, why not? With Jo, she admitted to Jackson that she needed joy in her life. “So I’m switching specialties to OB.” Did she really think her loot would judge her? Considering his habit of getting going, he did not want to. At Mer’s, Maggie was frustrated by the children’s reaction to DeLuca’s death. Instead of forcing her to dance with the young crowd, Winston jumped in and allowed his important person to shout it out. Back at Gray Sloan, Helm hesitated to record her video tribute to DeLuca. Were they that close?
In Bailey’s office, Owen, Teddy and Richard meet the principal, who, despite DeLuca’s obvious cause of death, demands the outcome of his autopsy. Nearby, Winston, after Maggie had privileges (beyond the obvious), teamed up with his boo over the case of a man named Byron, who feared he would be treated to give him COVID. Outside, while Levi explained to Nico that his guilt was under duress, especially as far as DeLuca was concerned, his join said he was numb. Back at Mer, Amelia freaked out when she discovered that Link was hiding alcohol in the house. He was stressed all the time, he reacted, and damn, he could drink as he pleased. He was not an alcoholic. “Sometimes Amelia, you drive me crazy,” he urges – and he takes the bottle of whiskey with him as he leaves. But ‘I’m coming back,’ he added, ‘because I’m not a bad guy.’
“Did anyone lose a naked man?” | In Mer’s room, Teddy and Cormac lowered her settings in hopes of getting Gray off the guy. “You can do it,” Hayes assured her. Meanwhile, on the beach, Derek shared his true love of how much she looks like her mother. “You never met Ellis,” said the youngest. But apparently he was watching. He knew everything about their daughter. While Byron was having an MRI, Winston concluded that the patient had a dental infection. “I was thinking about it,” Maggie insisted. “You just said it first.” Unfortunately, Byron was quickly knocked out and torn through the hospital. In a conference room, Richard shared with Catherine that he had surrendered his sobriety to a higher power. “My faith is rooted in the belief that there is a meaning and a wisdom that I just can not understand … Today I struggle to trust anything, and I can see no wisdom in it.” In response, she reminded him that she was living with stage 4 cancer, and her latest scans were good. No, none of that made sense. “You can look for the pain, or for the beauty.”
At Jo’s she asked the stock market to Jackson WTH wash, anyway – which made him joke that it’s a good thing she already knows how to live out of her car. Just then Link shows up and says he’s Jackson there for a quick bang. “Happy All Our Friends Are Dying Day,” he said as they poured whiskey. “Oh, we’re drinking day,” Jo cracked. And it was indeed. In a jiffy, a pity party was well underway. When Winston and Maggie Byron returned to Gray Sloan, he was upset because he was not wearing his mask. “Honey, you have nothing to do,” Pierce remarked. If he had to leave, she would not stop him. But she will follow him, because his heart can only take so much more. “I think we owe it to those we have lost,” she said, “to lead the lives they cannot.” Finally he puts his glove in his hair. At the same time, Richard yelled at Bailey because they wanted to fry their team over DeLuca’s death. “You’re hurting me,” Webber said simply. And she would only cause more by suggesting that they did not all do everything to save DeLuca.
‘I am suggested to write an entire page forever’ | On the limbo beach, Derek Mer recalled her experience teaching Zola cycling by explaining that if she wants to be closer to him, it belongs to her. The more she relaxed, the closer he got. Back in real life, Teddy Mer’s settings re-emerged and told Cormac that she’s staying on the outlet. At the same time, Zola thought hard about whether Amelia would take it if there was a medicine that could make you live forever. No, says her aunt. Pregnancy was what made every life special. Back at Jo, she laid down the rules of her, Jackson and Link’s liquor contest: Whose story was the saddest, got the last setback. First, Link told his gloomy story. Then Jo admits that she even bought ‘outfits’ to go on a date just before the end of the world. She also almost won, but as Link pointed out, she had a cage to herself. Fortunately, at the end of the round, Jackson was still sober enough to drive Jackson to DeLuca’s memorial since Jackson was on call. Speaking of the deceased, Teddy mistaken him for Owen. While Meredith was almost face-to-face with Derek, he encouraged her to actually listen to Cormac while telling her about her children calling every day. Suddenly, Cormac was on the beach. “They need you, Gray,” he said. “We all need to fight.” She wasn’t sure if she could do it. She feels so relaxed there. Uh-uh, he insisted. She did not want her children to go through what he had when they lost their mother. “It’s OK,” Derek told her. “I’ll be here.” And with that, it seemed as if Mer was stirring in her hospital bed – to the point that even Cormac noticed.
As the hour drew to a close, Bailey braided when Levi told her that Richard had erected a memorial to Andrew. But he softened her when he confessed that he was a bad Jew. What was probably important were the traditions. “It does not bring the person back,” he admits, “but it begins with healing.” If that was the case, could she not mourn with those who cared for her? They needed it, and she did it too. Maggie found Taryn outside the hospital and provoked DeLuca and the pandemic, and soothed her by standing back to back – an insane gesture. When the memorial service was due to begin, Bailey told Richard she needed some time. “No matter how long you need,” he said. Among the crowd were Carina, Maya, Tom and the day drink club. Painfully, the tribute to DeLuca ended with his Gray Sloan application video. “I will give you the best of me,” he promised. And what he had. Eventually, Link returned home, when Amelia said she no longer needed secrets. “Deal,” he said, and though he stroked whiskey, they embraced. In the hospital, Owen found Teddy sitting on the sidelines where she had been since the memorial. “I’m taking you home,” he said – and then he carried her, yes carried.
What did you think of the aftermath of DeLuca’s death? The episode as a whole? Print the comments.