Grettell Valdez reveals between LÁGRIMAS that BELINDA the cause of depression through his DIVORCIO: VIDEO

Grettell Valdez is one of the most wanted actresses in the world of spectacle, in addition to his talent possesses a beauty that he has captured captivating the public on television; without embarrassment, however, he was shocked by a moment of depression that he experienced during his divorce with Patricio Borghetti.

In an interview with Yordi Rosado the actress relates the most difficult moments of her life, since her childhood has been that the marker is an adult, as his divorce with the director of the matutino program ?? Venga la Alegría ??.

Although there is a very high market for it relationship, which was considered one of the most established in the medium of the show, related to the most recent moments. tormentosos who survived his divorce, including his suicide penalty.

Además, recorded the moment in which he felt ?? He tells me to look for his Sol, there are still some looking for his Sol. I’m a baby for 12 months and I’ve been muriendo, entering into absolute depression ??, dijo the actress.

Photo: Instagram

Grettell Valdez sued over suicide

The actress relates the moments of sadness that she lied about living with her during her divorce, including signaling that at some point she should commit suicide: ?? I love you to die, can not with this, but can not connect the force to matarme ??.

Read this receipt from producer Rosy Ocampo for being the antagonist together with Belinda y Poncho Herrera, aunque esperaba dar las gracias pues dijo ?? not to be found in his best moment ??, although the brindo is the opportunity to salir adelante.

And it is easy to accept the paper that during his participation together with Belinda was made even more difficult to feel and because he will always be happy: ?? Todo el tiempo llegaba y me decía ?? no manches, ¿cómo tuviste un hijo y tienes ese cuerpo? You are hermosa????.

Related to that all the time the levestaba the self-esteem with comments quarantine and unconditional support. Because the motive is to follow along with his hijo Santino, which now has 9 years of edad.

